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May 10NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL AUDITOR "III" REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-2000853 The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking financial audit services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Independent Financial Auditor "III" Contract. Sealed submittals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later then 2:00 p.m. HST, June 3, 2020 at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Due to COVID-19, hand-deliver submittal instructions can be found in the solicitation package. Offerors are to take extra care in submitting proposals (...)
May 1NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on May 22, 2020, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, Mezzanine Level, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, for the furnishing and delivery of DISPOSABLE NON-LATEX (NITRILE) GLOVES for a Twelve (12) Month Period, beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, City and County of Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pursuant to Section 7, SUBMISSION OF BID, of the General Instructions to Bidders, as Amended by Section 14 of the Special Provisions, (...)
Apr 26NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT REAL ESTATE CONTRACTOR "III" REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-2000802 The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking real estate services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Real Estate Contractor "III" Contract. Sealed submittals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later then 2:00 p.m. HST, May 22, 2020 at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Due to COVID-19, hand-deliver submittal instructions can be found in the solicitation package. Offerors are to take extra care in submitting proposals (...)
Apr 24INVITATION FOR BIDS. DEPARTMENT OF WATER, COUNTY OF KAUA'I JOB 16-04, WATER PLAN 2020 #WKK-03, MCC, CHLORINATION FACILITIES KILAUEA WELLS NO. 1 AND NO. 2 KAUA'I, HAWAI'I Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and opened at 2:00 p.m., Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) on Friday, June 5, 2020, in the Administration Office of the Department of Water at 4398 Pua Loke Street, Lihu'e, Kaua'i, Hawai'i ("DOW Admin. Office"). Bids received after the date and time specified above shall be rejected. Facsimile offers will not be accepted or considered. The schedule set out below represents the (...)
Apr 20NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on May 8, 2020, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, Mezzanine Level, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, for the furnishing and delivery of LITTER COLLECTION SYSTEM for a Twelve (12) Month Period, beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, City and County of Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pursuant to Section 7, SUBMISSION OF BID, of the General Instructions to Bidders, copies of bids transmitted directly to OTS Purchasing Division via (...)
Apr 19NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT OUTSIDE CLAIMS COUNSEL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-1900816A The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking legal services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Outside Claims Counsel Contract. Sealed submittals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later then 2:00 p.m. HST, May 18, 2020 at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Due to COVID-19, hand-deliver submittal instructions can be found in the solicitation package. Offerors are to take extra care in submitting bids by the due (...)
Mar 14NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT ARCHAEOLOGICAL & CULTURAL MONITORING "II" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-2000729 The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Archaeological & Cultural Monitoring "II" Contract. Sealed submittals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later then 2:00 p.m. HST, April 9, 2020 at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Interested parties are advised to visit the City's website at and HART's website at for the solicitation (...)
Mar 10NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on MARCH 31, 2020, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, 811 Middle Street, Building C, Mezzanine Level, Honolulu, Hawaii for the furnishing and delivery of COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM to Oahu Transit Services, Inc. Forms of certification, proposal and specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, Mezzanine level, 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, or requested by e-mail, directed to for Proposal Document No. 2020-22. Pursuant to Section 7, SUBMISSION OF BID, of the General (...)
Mar 8REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For The Theater 310 and 320 Seating Upgrade FOR THE HCC AEG Management HCC, LLC the private company hired by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority to manage and operate the Hawai'i Convention Center (HCC) is issuing RFP 2020-2 for The Theater 310 and 320 Seating Upgrade. Firms interested in the RFP should go to and also email to register as an HCC supplier so your firm can be attached to the RFP. (SA1271518 3/8/20)
Mar 6NOTICE TO OFFERORS The City & County of Honolulu is soliciting bids for the Golf Pro/Sundries Shop at Ted Makalena Golf Course. Refer to the City's website at for more details. /s/WENDY K. IMAMURA Purchasing Administrator City and County of Honolulu (SA1271313 3/6, 3/9, 3/11/20)