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Mar 16REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ICE RINK AND CHILLER PROCUREMENT FOR THE HCC AEG Management HCC, LLC the private company hired by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority to manage and operate the Hawai'i Convention Center (HCC) is issuing RFP 2025-5 Ice Rink and Chiller Procurement. Firms interested in the RFB should go to and also email to register as an HCC supplier so your firm can be attached to the RFP. (SA1487085 3/16/25)
Mar 13REQUEST FOR BIDS The City and County of Honolulu, through its Department of Community Services (DCS), requests bids from qualified agencies for the management and operation of a child care facility for five years at a temporary location on Honolulu Hale grounds at 550 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. The award of the Contract will be made to the highest responsive, responsible Offeror as specified herein. Interested parties must obtain a request for bids packet at All offerors that intend to submit a bid must submit a Notice of Intent to Offer in person by 10:00 a.m. HST (...)
Mar 9REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL BALLROOM ROOF REPAIR FOR THE HCC AEG Management HCC, LLC the private company hired by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority to manage and operate the Hawai'i Convention Center (HCC) is issuing RFP 2025-4 for Ballroom Roof Repair. Firms interested in the RFP should go to and also email to request information. (SA1486044 3/09/25)
Mar 7REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ("RFP") COUNTY OF KAUA'I OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (OED) KAUAI CULTURAL PROGRAMS & EVENTS GRANT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 APPLICATIONS for funding for the County of Kaua'i's Kauai Cultural Programs & Events Grant will be available at 8am Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on March 4, 2025. Applications must be received on or before 4:00 p.m. HST on Thursday April 3, 2025, via SMApply. Applicants will be notified of funding during the week of April 21, 2025. The weblink to the application on the SMApply system can be found here: Kauai Cultural Programs and Events Grant We do (...)
Feb 17Notice of Funding Availability HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS PROGRAM The City and County of Honolulu's Department of Community Services, through its Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Purchasing Division, is soliciting applications from qualified non-profit agencies for the following program: HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) program funds are provided through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. Chapter 131), for the benefit of low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The City anticipates that approximately $732,613.00 in funding for Fiscal Year 2026 (...)
Feb 6REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PARKING EQUIPMENT SYSTEM UPGRADE FOR THE HCC AEG Management HCC, LLC the private company hired by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority to manage and operate the Hawai'i Convention Center (HCC) is issuing RFP 2025-3 for Parking Equipment System Upgrade. Firms interested in the RFP should go to and also email to request information. (SA1483082 2/06/25)
Jan 24NOTICE TO BIDDERS INVITATION FOR BIDS MOBILE FOOD CONCESSION CONTRACT FOR MOBILE FOOD CONCESSION AT DIAMOND HEAD STATE MONUMENT IFB NO. SPO-0102A AND SPO-0102B TMK: (1) 3-1-042:006 (Portion of) The State of Hawaii, Board of Land and Natural Resources, is issuing an Invitation for Bids (IFB) to qualified parties interested in a Mobile Food Concession of state-owned lands within the Diamond Head State Monument situated on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, pursuant to Chapter 102, Hawaii Revised Statues (HRS). Before any prospective bidder shall be entitled to submit a bid, the prospective bidder must meet the minimum qualifications set forth (...)
Jan 24NOTICE TO BIDDERS City and County of Honolulu is soliciting bids for a five-year rental of City-owned property, located within the Waipahu Cultural Garden Park, TMK: (1) 9-4-010-004 for educational and instructional taro growing purposes. Written Notice of Intention to Bid must be filed on or before 4:00 p.m., February 5, 2025. Sealed bids will be accepted up to and publicly opened at 11:00 a.m., February 12, 2025, in the Division of Purchasing, Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, City Hall. Bid packet and information may be obtained from the State of Hawai'i's solicitation website at > Bidding Opportunities. (...)
Jan 19January 19, 2025 ADDITIONAL NOTICE TO PROVIDERS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Department of Water Supply of the County of Hawai'i anticipates the need for professional services in the following categories for the fiscal year 2024-2025 and is readvertising this notice: 4. Attorney 20. Real Property Appraisal a. General Attorney Services b. Bond Counsel c. Water Law d. Environmental Law Those persons or firms interested and capable of providing the professional services required shall submit a letter of interest, together with a resume, to the Manager-Chief Engineer, Department of Water Supply, County of Hawai'i, solely by email at Please do (...)
Jan 19January 19, 2025 ADDITIONAL NOTICE TO PROVIDERS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Department of Water Supply of the County of Hawai'i anticipates the need for professional services in the following categories for the fiscal year 2024-2025 and is readvertising this notice: 4. Attorney 20. Real Property Appraisal a. General Attorney Services b. Bond Counsel c. Water Law d. Environmental Law Those persons or firms interested and capable of providing the professional services required shall submit a letter of interest, together with a resume, to the Manager-Chief Engineer, Department of Water Supply, County of Hawai'i, solely by email at Please do (...)