NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Chapter 103D, HRS) ELECTRONIC SEALED BIDS for furnishing all tools, equipment, materials and labor necessary for the construction of “WEST HAWAI’I HOMELESS EMERGENCY SHELTER IMPROVEMENTS,” Job No. H-4535, Keahuolu, North Kona, Hawai’i, will be received and recorded immediately via the Public Purchase System until 2:00 p.m., Hawai’i Standard Time on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Bids shall be submitted via the Public Purchase System, otherwise the bids shall not be opened or considered. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. This project consists of construction of a fire sprinkler system at the existing West Hawai’i Emergency Shelter. Additive work shall include, but is not limited to, roof repairs, installation of water cooler, ceiling fans, and parking lot lighting. To be eligible to submit a bid, the Bidder must possess a valid State of Hawai’i, General Engineering Contractor’s License “A” or General Building Contractor’s License “B”. See Special Notice to Bidders for licensing requirements. This project is Federally funded to the County of Hawai’i through the Community Development Block Grant Funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and contains Federal Requirements that must be complied with. Attention of the prospective bidder is particularly called to the requirement which will obligate the contractor and subcontractors to comply in all respects with the regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements as described in the Contract Documents including contract provisions regard Equal Opportunity, Non-discrimination in Employment, Small and Minority Firms, Woman Business Enterprise, Local Firms, Individual State Prevailing Wage Standards and Davis Bacon Wage Standards. Pursuant to Executive Order 11246 as amended, Equal Employment Opportunity, a prime contractor and subcontractor who signs a contract on federally assisted projects are required under certain conditions to present written Affirmative Action Programs. Prospective Bidders and all interested parties interested in accessing the plans, specifications, terms and conditions, proposal, and addenda must be registered as a Public Purchase Vendor, Hawai’i Region, and Hawai’i County Agency. New Vendors should click on the link to Public Purchase provided on the webpage or go to to initiate the registration process. Bids shall be submitted via the Public Purchase System. Confidential material shall be readily separable from the bid in order to facilitate public inspection of the nonconfidential portion of the bid. Prospective Bidders must file with the Director of Public Works their “Intent to Bid.” The Prospective Bidder’s Intent to Bid must be received by the Administration Office, Department of Public Works no later than 4:30 p.m., TEN (10) calendar days prior to the bid opening date. If the tenth day is on a Saturday, Sunday, or a State holiday, the Intent to Bid is due on the next working day following the due date. The Intent to Bid form is available at the Administration Office, Department of Public Works, Phone: (808) 961-8321 and for electronic download at the Public Purchase website: The original executed and notarized Standard Qualification Questionnaire for Offerors form “SQQO” must be received by the Administration Office, Department of Public Works, no less than FORTY-EIGHT (48) hours prior to the 2:00 p.m. bid opening so it may be evaluated and approved by the County of Hawai’i, Department of Public Works prior to bid opening. Please submit said form to allow for evaluation and approval by our office if such form had not been evaluated, approved and filed within the TWELVE (12) months, if there is any change in your previous responses as they relate to this project, or if additional information is requested. The SQQO form is available in hard copy at the Administration Office, Department of Public Works, Phone: (808) 961-8321 and for electronic download at the Public Purchase website: All prospective bidders/offerors are strongly encouraged to attend a pre-bid conference to be held via WebEx Phone Conference on Monday, November 9, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is not a condition for submitting a bid. Subcontractors and union representatives are invited, but not required to attend. The conference is to provide bidders/offerors with an opportunity to ask questions about the contractual requirements and all technical aspects of the project. The conference will also address minimum subcontractor listing requirements for the project. A site visit will follow the pre-bid conference for bidders desiring to visit the site as part of the pre-bid meeting. The project site can only be visited by appointment scheduled with OHCD. The bid opening and pre-bid meeting(s) required for this project (if any, as set forth above) are scheduled at venues that are accessible to persons with disabilities. To request an auxiliary aid or for language interpretation services, please contact the Department of Public Works at (808) 961-8321 no less than five (5) working days prior to the established meeting date(s). The Director of Public Works reserves the right to reject any or all bids to waive informalities. No Bidder may withdraw its bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before the award of the contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding ninety (90) consecutive calendar days. County of Hawai’i is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. David Yamamoto, P.E., Director Department of Public Works County of Hawai’i State of Hawai’i ~ Hawai’i Awards & Notices Data System (HANDS) Public Purchase, Electronic Procurement System (HTH/WHT1300336 10/27/20)