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May 11NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on June 8, 2018, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, Mezzanine Level, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, for the furnishing and delivery of DISPOSABLE NON-LATEX (NITRILE) GLOVES for a Twelve (12) Month Period, beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019, City and County of Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pursuant to Section 7, SUBMISSION OF BID, of the General Instructions to Bidders, copies of bids transmitted directly to OTS Purchasing Division (...)
May 6NOTICE TO PROVIDERS OF APPRAISAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES The State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources anticipates the need for professional appraisal services for the fiscal year 2018-2019 (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019). The Department seeks properly licensed and qualified professional real property appraisers to submit the Statement of Qualifications for Appraisal Services and Expression of Interest form (SoQ P-1), to provide appraisal services for various land valuations in the State of Hawaii during fiscal year 2018-2019. The submission deadline for the completed SoQ P-1 is 4:00 PM on June 8, 2018. (...)
May 5NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT LEGAL SERVICES FOR PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (P3) SUPPORT CONTRACT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-1800706 The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Legal Services for Public Private Partnership (P3) Support Contract. Proposals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later than 2:00 p.m. HST, May 29th, 2018, at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Questions may be directed to: Interested parties are advised to visit HART's website at index.php (...)
Apr 29REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOOD & BEVERAGE LABOR PROVIDERS FOR CULINARY, STEWARDING AND FRONT OF HOUSE SERVICES FOR THE HCC Levy Premium Foodservice Limited Partnership is issuing Request For Proposals for Food & Beverage Labor Providers for Culinary, Stewarding and Front of House Services for the Hawaii Convention Center. Firms interested in receiving the RFP should email Ryan Golpeo at (SA1094200 4/29/18)
Apr 21NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE HONOLULU RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LIAISON CONTRACT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. RFP-HRT-1800768 The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is seeking services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project's Federal Government Liaison Contract. Proposals in response to this Request for Sealed Proposals are due no later than 2:00 p.m. HST, May 14th, 2018, at the HART Project Office, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Questions may be directed to: Interested parties are advised to visit HART's website at procurement/index.php for the solicitation notice. (SA1091188 4/21, 4/22/18)
Apr 18NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on May 16, 2018, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, mezzanine level, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu,Hawaii to provide Island Wide Towing and Recovery Services of Public Mass Transit Buses and Trucks operated by Oahu Transit Services, Inc., for a Twelve (12) Month Period, beginning July 1,2018 and ending June 30, 2019. Prospective bidders must comply with the provisions of Section 103-55, Hawaii Revised Statutes, regulating Wages and Hours of Employees on (...)
Apr 13NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City & County of Honolulu is soliciting bids for the Beach Services for Kuhio Beach Services Stand #3 for a Five (5) year period. Refer to the City's website at for more details. /s/WENDY K. IMAMURA Purchasing Administrator City and County of Honolulu (SA1089818 4/13, 4/16, 4/17/18)
Mar 12NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Chapter 103D, HRS) Sealed bids will be received at the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation ("HHFDC"), 677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 up to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 12, 2018, for HHFDC Job No. 18-003-K85-S, Villages of Kapolei Electrical and Street Light Maintenance, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707 at which time all properly-received and time-stamped bids will be opened and read out loud. Beginning Monday, March 12, 2018, the INVITATION FOR BIDS may be examined and purchased at HHFDC at the above address. The purchase price for each set of INVITATION FOR BIDS is a (...)
Mar 12NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City & County of Honolulu is soliciting bids for the Pali Golf Course Food Concession. Refer to the City's website at for more details. /s/WENDY K. IMAMURA Purchasing Administrator City and County of Honolulu (SA1079633 3/12, 3/14, 3/16/18)
Mar 11NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Fiscal Years 2018-2019 Repair and Maintenance Projects for Public Schools on the Island of Oahu The Department of Education (DOE), Facilities Maintenance Branch, will accept applications from licensed contractors in ELECTRICAL, HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING and GLAZING trades to perform EMERGENCY REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (R&M) PROJECTS for public schools on the Island of Oahu. All interested licensed contractors are invited to submit a Qualification Application before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Applications should be addressed to the DOE Facilities Maintenance Branch, 729 Kakoi Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96819. These R&M projects, in the ELECTRICAL, HIGH VOLTAGE (...)