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Jan 7State of Hawaii Department of Health Office of Health Care Assurance Medical Cannabis (MC) Dispensary Licensing Supervisor Downtown, Oahu The primary purpose of this position is responsible for managing, directing, overseeing, and supporting all the operational functions and activities of the department's Medical Cannabis Dispensary Licensing Section within the Office of Health Care Assurance including operations, personnel, budgetary matters, and any contracts to ensure that program objectives are achieved pursuant to State Statute, rules and regulations, and consistent with legislative, public, and federal expectations. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: Graduation from an accredited college or university. Excess experience in administration, professional, technical, or (...)
Jan 7State of Hawaii Department of Health Office of Health Care Assurance Medical Cannabis (MC) Dispensary Licensing Surveyor Downtown, Oahu The primary purpose of this is to perform on-site survey inspections of medical cannabis production centers and dispensaries to determine compliance to state licensing requirements pursuant to Act 241(SLH 2015) and applicable Hawaii Administrative Rules; to provide professional and technical expertise in the area of safety, security, inventory control, and quality; and provide education and training in regulatory requirements and survey protocols to various individuals, agencies, and community groups. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university. Master's (...)
Jan 7NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), notice is hereby given that the Department of Health (DOH) will hold a public hearing for the proposed adoption of a new Chapter 11-118, Hawaii Administrative Rules, on Disinterment Permits. The proposed rules govern the disinterment of human remains, and give the public clear and consistent direction for disinterment permit requirements. These proposed rules are intended to address the many circumstances that involve disinterment, including application and issuance procedures, a new streamlined application process, application fees, and noncompliance penalties. HEARING DATE The public hearing will be held as (...)
Jan 5BOARD OF NURSING OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS STATE OF HAWAII NOTICE OF HEARING TO: VIVIAN R. VILLEGAS: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that the Board of Nursing will conduct a hearing in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes (hereinafter "HRS") Chapters 91, 436B, and 457 as well as Hawaii Administrative Rules (hereinafter "HAR") Title 16 Chapter 89 to determine whether or not VIVIAN R. VILLEGAS' nursing license should be revoked, suspended, or otherwise disciplined, and, whether monetary fines and any other relief authorized by law, should be imposed against her. The Petition for Disciplinary Action Against License (...)
Jan 4Public Notice State Health Planning and Development Agency Certificate of Need The Agency has received certificate of need application #17-11A for administrative review from Hawaii Recovery Services, LLC for the change in ownership of Debra Bayer, Inc. dba Behavioral Health Hawaii, at a capital cost of $110,000. Pursuant to Section 323D-44.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, any interested person may request a public meeting on an application before the Agency renders its decision. Any request for a public meeting must be submitted in writing and directed to the Administrator, at the address provided below. Any such request must be received by the (...)
Jan 3Department of Taxation Notice of Adoption of Temporary Administrative Rules Pursuant to Section 231-10.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), the Director of Taxation of the State of Hawaii has adopted Temporary Rules Relating to Automatic Extensions of Time to File Income Tax Returns which have been approved by the Governor and which have the same force and effect as any other administrative rule. The temporary rules amend the current rules under which individual taxpayers are automatically granted a six-month extension to file their income tax returns. Under current rules, non-individuals such as corporations or other entities are required to file an (...)
Jan 2AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION OF THE GAS COMPANY, LLC dba HAWAII GAS FOR APPROVAL OF RATE INCREASES AND REVISED RATE SCHEDULES AND RULES Docket No. 2017-0105 The PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the STATE OF HAWAII ("Commission") pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") §§ 269-12 and 269-16, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that it will hold a public hearing relating to the Application of THE GAS COMPANY, LLC dba HAWAII GAS ("Hawaii Gas"), for Approval of Rate Increases and Revised Rate Schedules and Rules ("Application"). The Commission will hold a public hearing as follows: Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Kulana (...)
Jan 2Notice of Funding Availability EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS The City and County of Honolulu, through its Department of Community Services, is soliciting applications from qualified nonprofit agencies for the following two programs: 1. EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS (ESG) PROGRAM, authorized by Subtitle B of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. §§11371- 11378). Approximately $1.3 million in funding is anticipated to be available for emergency shelter operations and services, and homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing activities which help persons who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. 2. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH (...)
Jan 2NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAMS COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS The City and County of Honolulu (City), through its Department of Community Services (DCS), is soliciting applications from private nonprofit agencies that have been officially certified by the City as a Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), or have a pending application to become a CHDO by the submission deadline of this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for federal funding from the City's HOME Programs for Fiscal Year 2019. The City anticipates that it will award approximately $430,000 in HOME funds, subject to funding availability, to CHDOs in (...)
Jan 2Notice of Funding Availability NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND PROGRAM The City and County of Honolulu, through its Department of Community Services is soliciting applications from qualified nonprofit agencies for the National Housing Trust Fund Program. Approximately $1,350,000 will be made available for qualified projects. Funding from the National Housing Trust Fund may be used for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and construction of new affordable housing for households earning 30 percent or less of Honolulu's Area Median Family Income. Interested parties may obtain an application packet from the Department of Community Services, Kapalama Hale, 915 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. (...)