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Aug 16NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, October 4, 2018, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the applications for liquor licenses set forth below and any protests to the granting of said applications. Persons who wish to testify for or against the granting of a license may either testify (...)
Aug 16NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGES TO HAWAII ADMINISTRATIVE RULES (HAR), TITLE 11, CHAPTER 55, ENTITLED "WATER POLLUTION CONTROL" DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF HAWAII DOCKET NO. CWB-1-18 August 16, 2018 The Department of Health (DOH) will receive written comments and hold a public hearing on proposed changes to HAR, Chapter 11-55, Water Pollution Control. The proposed revisions to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permits in the Appendices of HAR, Chapter 11-55 include the following: ¶ Renewal and revision of the NPDES General Permit Authorizing Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activities. (Appendix C). ¶ Renewal and (...)
Aug 16AGENDA WINDWARD PLANNING COMMISSION COUNTY OF HAWAII NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following matters to be considered by the Windward Planning Commission of the County of Hawaii in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 91 and 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 6-7.5(a) of the Charter of the County of Hawaii, and the Planning Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. DATE: Thursday, September 6, 2018 TIME: 9:00 a.m. PLACE: County of Hawaii Aupuni Center Conference Room 101 Pauahi Street, Hilo, HI 96720 STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC – Note that statements from the public regarding any particular item on this agenda (...)
Aug 12HAWAI`I STATE JUDICIARY Website: Exempt Appt (Non-Civil Service) LAW CLERK (Lautenberg)-Kona O`ahu Continuous Recruitments Account Clerk III – O'ahu Account Clerk IV - Honolulu Accountant V – Honolulu Attorney (Program) I - Honolulu CIP Coordinator ($5,373-$7,648) - Hon Capital Improvement Specialist IV ($4,413-$6,286), V ($4,968-$7,073)-Hon Circuit Court Clerk II Court Reporter II - Honolulu District Court Clerk I, II - Immed vac Hon ESTATE & GUARDIANSHIP CLERK I ($3,146) - Honolulu IT Specialist V (Applications Services Branch) ($4,968-$5,811) - Honolulu IT Specialist VI (SQL & PL/SQL) ($5,373 - $6,286) - Honolulu Judicial Clerk I, II, III Judicial Clerk IV (...)
Aug 12City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY Apply by August 20, 2018 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. CIVIL ENGINEER II * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apply by August 22, 2018 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. MECHANICAL ENGINEER I * * * * * * * * * * * * PLANNER V (SOCIAL PLANNING-GERONTOLOGY) To view the job details, please visit our website:
Aug 12NUTRITION EDUCATION ASSISTANTS Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) - # 104401 Ewa-Kapolei to Waianae Civil Service position, part-time (20 hrs/wk) with benefits. High School diploma or equivalent. Driver's license and car required. For full job description and application materials email or call 956-4124. Deadline: Application submittal must be postmarked by August 31, 2018. The University of Hawaii at Manoa is an EEO/AA Employer
Aug 12NOTICE OF DISPOSITION OF IMPOUNDED VESSELS Notice is given that the following vessels: Item No. 1727, "KIFARU'', Reg. No. HA 6905 B, a 29' sailing vessel; Item No. 1805, "DA KINE", Reg. No. HA 1347 D, a 25' sailing vessel; Item No. 1806, "DOUBLE DOSE", Reg. No. HA 5250 C, a 24' sailing vessel; Item No. 1807, "KAMALANI", Reg. No. HA 7860 E, a 27' sailing vessel; Item No. 1808, "EXHALE", Reg. No. HA 6020 E, a 24' sailing vessel; Item No. 1809, "MADELYNN", Reg. No. HA 5889 C, a 24' sailing vessel; Item No. 1811, No Name, Reg. No. (...)
Aug 10NOTICE TO CREDITORS KA'U LEARNING ACADEMY (KLA) PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL All creditors of the Ka'u Learning Academy (KLA) Public Charter School are hereby notified to present their claims with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof to the State Public Charter School Commission, 1111 Bishop Street, Suite 516, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, Attention: Danny Vasconcellos, within one month from the date of the first publication of this notice or they will be forever barred. (SA1122774 8/10, 8/17, 8/24/18)
Aug 9NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS STATE OF HAWAII HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY 1002 NORTH SCHOOL STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII 96817 On or about September 4th, 2018, the State of Hawaii will authorize the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) to submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Capital Fund Program (CFP) HI08P001501-17 and HI08P001501-18 grants under Title I of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended to undertake any of the following projects. CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM (CFP) Hawai`i Island: 1. Lanakila Physical & Site Improvements – Demolition (...)
Aug 9NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 600, Honolulu, Hawaii, on Thursday, September 27, 2018, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the application for the transfer of a liquor license set forth hereunder and to hear any protests and objections to this transfer and to determine whether the applicant(s) is a FIT AND PROPER PERSON TO HOLD THE SUBJECT LICENSE, in the granting (...)