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Dec 9NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Liquor Control Commission of the County of Kauai, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended, will hold a public hearing in Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at ten o'clock, a.m., or shortly thereafter for the purpose of considering the application for liquor license set forth hereunder and any protests and objections to the granting thereof, which may be made by any registered voter, owner or lessee of record of real estate situated within a distance of 500 feet from the nearest point of (...)
Dec 8THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3CLP-20-0000313 ESTATE OF RICHARD CARL GREEN; aka RICHARD GREEN, Deceased FILED, a document purporting to be the Last Will of the above-named decedent, together with a Petition praying for probate thereof and issuance of Letters to the Chief Clerk, Third Circuit Court, State of Hawaii, whose address is 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. Jan. 7, 2021, at 8:30 a.m., before the presiding Judge in Probate at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, is the appointed date, time and place for hearing said petition and all interested persons. All creditors of (...)
Dec 7PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR LEASE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HARBORS DIVISION Pursuant to Chapters 171-15 and 171-16, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, hereby gives notice of a Public Auction for a five-year lease for office space at Aloha Tower, Fourth Floor. Public Auction will be conducted via sealed bids: TMK No.: (1) 2-1-001:013 (P) Area: 612 square feet, 4th Floor of Aloha Tower Area being auctioned is intended to be used as office space, upset rental price is $1.30 per square foot per month with additional Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charge of $0.88 per square foot per (...)
Dec 7December 7, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State of Hawaii, will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rule Title 13, Subtitle 11, Chapter 241, Numbering of Vessels, to align regulations with the restrictions and requirements of Chapter 200A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to add fees for vessel titling services, and to increase fees for vessel registration services. Due to health and safety concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually by Zoom on Wednesday, (...)
Dec 7Public Notice State Health Planning and Development Agency Certificate of Need The Agency has received a request for a public information meeting on the following certificate of need application: #20-09A from USRC Kalihi, LLC for the establishment of chronic renal dialysis services at 2055 N. King Street, Suite Nos. 100, 101, 201 and 203, Honolulu, HI, at a capital cost of $8,378,462. The meeting will be held via video-teleconference on: Monday, December 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Meeting ID: 937 1897 7206 Passcode: 713428 Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US To provide oral testimony during the (...)
Dec 7DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF HAWAII NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADMINISTRATIVELY FORFEIT PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PERSONS IDENTIFIED HEREIN AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE AN INTEREST that administrative forfeiture proceedings have been commenced against the property listed herein by the filing with the Attorney General of Petitions for Administrative Forfeiture pursuant to Chapter 712A, (Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act), Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS"). The appearance of names of persons and business entities in this notice does not mean that they are criminal suspects; it only means that the state believes they may have an (...)
Dec 7December 7, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State of Hawaii, will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rule Title 13, Subtitle 11, Chapter 241, Numbering of Vessels, to align regulations with the restrictions and requirements of Chapter 200A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to add fees for vessel titling services, and to increase fees for vessel registration services. Due to health and safety concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually by Zoom on Wednesday, (...)
Dec 7December 7, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State of Hawaii, will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rule Title 13, Subtitle 11, Chapter 241, Numbering of Vessels, to align regulations with the restrictions and requirements of Chapter 200A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to add fees for vessel titling services, and to increase fees for vessel registration services. Due to health and safety concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually by Zoom on Wednesday, (...)
Dec 7IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 18-0029K In the interest of a Female Child born on February 7, 2013 to Jomi Jormanit THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: DISEN HESA THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing regarding the above-identified matter will be held at the Kona Judiciary Complex, 74-5451 Kamakaeha Avenue, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 on January 6, 2021 at 1:00 pm. before the Honorable Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court; You are hereby advised that if you fail to appear on the date set forth (...)
Dec 7DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF HAWAII NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADMINISTRATIVELY FORFEIT PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PERSONS IDENTIFIED HEREIN AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE AN INTEREST that administrative forfeiture proceedings have been commenced against the property listed herein by the filing with the Attorney General of Petitions for Administrative Forfeiture pursuant to Chapter 712A, (Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act), Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS"). The appearance of names of persons and business entities in this notice does not mean that they are criminal suspects; it only means that the state believes they may have an (...)