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Public Notices
Sep 28
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the applications for the transfer of liquor licenses set forth hereunder and any protests and objections to the granting thereof, which may be made by any registered voter for the area within (...)
Sep 28
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the application for liquor license set forth below and any protests to the granting of said application. Persons who wish to testify for or against the granting of a license may either (...)
Sep 27
IMPORTANT ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE FOR THE STREETS AROUND UH HILO FOR THE SMOKE 'N FIRE RUN EVENT ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 1ST, 2023 FROM 7:30AM-10AM. The Smoke 'N Fire Foundation along with the Hawaii Fire Department is putting on an Family Run Event along with a Fire Safety/Health and Wellness Fair to kick off Fire Prevention Week 2023 at UH Hilo. In light of our commitment to ensuring the safety of our runners and event attendees, we would like to inform the public of upcoming road closures in this area. Please take note of the following road closures: Kawili Street from (...)
Sep 27
PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Variance Applications Accepted Sep. 1-15, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications: * Deadline to submit written public comments ** Tentative date of Director's decision 1. *Mark Dos Remedios (PL-SVAR-2023-039) From Chapter 23, Subdivisions, Article 6 Division 2, Improvements Req'mnts, Section 23-84, Water Supply on 17.93 acs. at 44-3050 Kalopa Mauka Rd., Hamakua, TMK: 4-4-008:054. *Sept. 28, 2023 **Oct. 30, 2023. Maps/documents are on file & open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, (...)
Sep 27
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 23-00019 In the Interest of A Female Child born on January 21, 2014; and A Female Child born February 15, 2017 to PERSEPHONE DOWNEY, mother; WILLIAM BIGA, alleged father; and UNKNOWN FATHER THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: PERSPEPHONE DOWNEY, mother WILLIAM BIGA, alleged father UNKNOWN FATHER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-entitled proceeding will be held in the Family Court of the Fifth Circuit, 3970 KAANA STREET, COURTROOM #1, LIHUE, KAUAI, HAWAII 96766, on THURSDAY, November 30, 2023 at 1:00 P.M., (...)
Sep 27
NOTICE The following Ordinance passed Final Reading at the meeting held by the Council of the City and County of Honolulu on September 6, 2023 and was subsequently approved by the Mayor: Ordinance 23-26 [Bill 38 (2023), CD2] – To amend Chapter 38, Articles 3 and 8, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 2021, as amended, relating to concessions. 9 AYES: Cordero, Dos Santos-Tam, Kia'aina, Okimoto, Say, Tulba, Tupola, Waters, Weyer. * * * * * Copies of the foregoing ordinance are available for use and examination by the public during regular business hours at the City Clerk's office, Room 203, Honolulu (...)
Sep 26
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS (for consultation on housing needs) Pursuant to 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii (State); Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC), will prepare an Annual Action Plan (AAP) for Program Year 2024-2025 (PY2024), as part of the Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) process. In preparation for this AAP, HHFDC will consult with local governments and residents at public hearings to be held in each county. In the County of Kauai (County), HHFDC will conduct virtual and in-person hearings with the County's (...)
Sep 26
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS (for consultation on housing needs) Pursuant to 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii (State); Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC), will prepare an Annual Action Plan (AAP) for Program Year 2024-2025 (PY2024), as part of the Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) process. In preparation for this AAP, HHFDC will consult with local governments and residents at public hearings to be held in each county. In the County of Kauai (County), HHFDC will conduct virtual and in-person hearings with the County's (...)
Sep 25
The Kauai Emergency Management Agency (KEMA) intends to solicit assistance from the Department of Defense Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program to undertake four (4) projects: 1. assessing the County of Kauai (COK) network to enhance the County's cybersecurity preparedness; 2. support in erecting a two-story prefabricated metal building to be used as a COK first responder training center; 3. support in erecting a 'sprung structure' at the Lihue Airport to be used as a hanger for the COK Police and Fire Rescue Helicopter; and 4. support in erecting a prefabricated building to be use as the Kauai Police Activities League (...)
Sep 24
The County of Hawai'i is Looking for People to Join our Team Opening – Sunday, September 24, 2023 and closing on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 Animal Control and Protection Specialist Cashier II Civil Defense Staff Officer (Community Engagement) Custodian/Groundskeeper II Motor Vehicle Control Inspector I Recreation Director II Veterans Cemetery Caretaker Visit our website at or scan the QR code to see all of the great employment opportunities we have to offer Follow us on Facebook – Jobs at Hawai'i County Hawai'i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer