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Oct 27NOTICE The following Ordinances passed Final Reading at the meeting held by the Council of the City and County of Honolulu on October 4, 2023 and were subsequently approved by the Mayor: Ordinance 23-27 [Bill 20 (2023), CD2, FD1] – Relating to parking. 7 AYES: Cordero, Dos Santos-Tam, Kia'aina, Tulba, Tupola, Waters*, Weyer*. 2 NOES: Okimoto, Say. Ordinance 23-28 [Bill 46 (2023), CD2, FD1] – Relating to flavored tobacco products. 6 AYES: Cordero, Dos Santos-Tam*, Kia'aina, Okimoto*, Waters, Weyer. 3 NOES: Say, Tulba, Tupola. *Aye with reservations * * * * * * Copies of the foregoing ordinances are available (...)
Oct 27Notice of Public Hearing State Department of Health Drinking Water Standards.
Oct 26Rules Relating to the Implementation of the Second Proclamation Relating to Affordable Housing § 1 Purpose and Authority These rules are intended to expedite the construction, development, and redevelopment of housing under the Supplemental Proclamation Relating to Affordable Housing ("Proclamation") through the certification of projects that will be allowed to proceed under the Proclamation. Projects certified by the Build Beyond Barriers Working Group (BBB) are eligible for coverage under the Proclamation and these rules. These rules are adopted pursuant to sections 127A-11, 12, 13, and 25, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), to respond to the housing emergency declared by the Governor (...)
Oct 25NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Kaua'i County Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 8:30 a.m., or soon thereafter, at the Council Chambers, 4396 Rice Street, Room 201, Historic County Building, Lihu'e, on the following: Bill No. 2910 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 13, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO RECOVERY OF RESCUE EXPENSES This Bill proposes to amend Chapter 6, Article 13 (Recovery of Rescue Expenses), Kaua'i County Code 1987, as amended, to: (1) more closely reflect the wording (...)
Oct 25NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF HAWAII Community Noise Control Variance Application No. V-1346 (Docket No. 23-NR-VN-32) Pursuant to Chapter 342F-5, subsection (h), Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Department seeks written comments from interested persons regarding the following variance application: State of Hawaii. Department of Transportation, 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room #609, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707, has applied to the Department of Health for a variance from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-46, Section 11-46-6(a), which states, "General Prohibition. Without a permit or variance issued pursuant to section 11-46-7 or 11-46-8, no person within the State shall (...)
Oct 24NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission's office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and on the Commission's electronic Case and Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 16-601 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the (...)
Oct 24NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission's office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and on the Commission's electronic Case and Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 16-601 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the (...)
Oct 24NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission's office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and on the Commission's electronic Case and Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 16-601 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the (...)
Oct 24NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission's office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and on the Commission's electronic Case and Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 16-601 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the (...)
Oct 23STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 23-00048 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on January 4, 2008 to Lena Schlitzkus, also known as Lena Varece. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: SHAMRON AFONG UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 23-00048 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on March 3, 2009 to Lena Schlitzkus, also known as Lena Varece. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: SESE FEA'O UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 23-0037 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on June 29, 2023 to Lena-Ala (...)