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Dec 21NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) KALANIANAOLE HIGHWAY RESURFACING FROM KAILUA ROAD TO OLOMANA GOLF COURSE DISTRICT OF KOOLAUPOKO, ISLAND OF OAHU, AHUPUAA OF KAILUA & WAIMANALO FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NUMBER: NH-072-1(058) TAX MAP KEY(S): (1) 4-2-003, 004, 005, 006, 008, 010, 013, 031, 042, 043, 085, 086, 098, 101, 102 Notice is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division propose an asphalt pavement resurfacing project. This proposed project is a federal funded HDOT project. It will be considered a (...)
Dec 21PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME), EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS (ESG), HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA), AND HOUSING TRUST FUND (HTF) PROGRAMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City and County of Honolulu's (City) Draft Consolidated Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2021-2025 is available for public review on the City's website at A hard copy is also available at the City's Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, 530 South King Street, Room 208. The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires state and local governments to submit a five-year Consolidated (...)
Dec 20NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, February 7, 2019, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the applications for liquor licenses set forth below and any protests to the granting of said applications. Persons who wish to testify for or against the granting of a license may either testify (...)
Dec 19NOTICE OF PROPOSED SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR FAILURE TO PAY REAL PROPERTY TAXES DUE THEREON DATE OF SALE - JANUARY 16 and 17 (if necessary), 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that each parcel of real property described below, all in the County of Hawai'i, Third Taxation District, State of Hawai'i, is subject to liens for real property taxes. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 19, Article 5, Sections 19-37 through 19-45, Hawaii County Code and subject to the provisions of Sections 246-55 through 246-63, Hawaii Revised Statutes as amended, each parcel will be sold by the County of Hawai'i to (...)
Dec 19Notice of Public Hearing Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism Hawaii Technology Development Corporation Proposed Administrative Rules Relating to the Research and Tax Credit Grant Program Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC), Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, will hold a public hearing on the following: (1) Adoption of proposed rules for Chapter 15-38, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), relating to the "Research and Development Grant Program." Summary of the proposed rules: (1) Proposed rules for Chapter 15-38 HAR, "Hawaii Research and Development Program" implementing Act 141 , Session Laws of Hawaii (...)
Dec 19PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Annual Community Assessment (ACA) report on the City and County of Honolulu's (City) performance in Program Year 2017 is available to the public. The report reflects the City's efforts to ensure HUD program compliance. Copies of the ACA report are available for public review on the City's website at or on the Municipal Reference Center's (MRC) online catalog at A hard copy is available for public review at the City's Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, 530 South King Street, Room 208. (...)
Dec 16IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAI'I NOTICE OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF DRAWING OF GRAND JURORS FOR SERVICE COMMENCING ON JANUARY 22, 2019 IN THE ABOVE-ENTITLED COURT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday, the 11th day of January 2019, at 7:45 a.m., in the Jury Pool Lounge, First Floor, Ka'ahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i, before the Honorable Colette Y. Garibaldi, Criminal Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, the names of a sufficient number of qualified persons shall be drawn from the Grand Jury box of said court (...)
Dec 16NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RETENTION THE HONORABLE GARY W. B. CHANG The Judicial Selection Commission, State of Hawai'i, announces that the term of the Honorable Gary W. B. Chang as Circuit Judge, Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawai'i, will expire on May 31, 2019. Judge Chang, in accordance with Section 3, Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Hawai'i, has petitioned to be retained in office and to be renewed for an additional term. The Constitution of the State of Hawai'i empowers the Commission to determine whether Judge Chang should be retained in office for (...)
Dec 16City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY 3- DAY RECRUITMENT ONLY Open: December 17, 2018 Close: December 19, 2018 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. ZOO ANIMAL KEEPER I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apply by December 19, 2018 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. JOB RESOURCE SPECIALIST III (HO'ALA) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apply by (...)
Dec 15PUBLIC NOTICE REVISION HOUSING TRUST FUND (HTF) PROGRAM FUNDS On November 22, 2018, the City and County of Honolulu (City) published a Public Notice in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser proposing to amend its Twenty-Third (23rd) Year Action Plan to include the HTF program and proposed projects. The City is issuing a revision to the Public Notice to instead amend the City's Twenty-Third (23rd) Year Action Plan with the following projects originally approved in the City's Twenty Fourth (24th) Year Action Plan. The City will make conforming amendments as appropriate to delete these projects from the Twenty-Fourth (24th) Year Action Plan for (...)