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Public Notices
Aug 15
PUBLIC NOTICE The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) is soliciting public comment on a draft 5-year Remedial Action Plan (RAP) permit renewal for the Department of the Navy's (Navy's) Waipio Peninsula Annex, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH), Hawaii, to treat remediation waste munitions recovered from dredging and construction-related activities at JBPHH. The RAP permit would allow the Navy to continue to treat munitions by controlled intentional detonations. The site is located within a secured area. The Navy will conduct the detonations and follow a Work Plan, Health & Safety Plan, and Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board-approved Explosives Safety Submission. (...)
Aug 15
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT Pursuant to Title 24 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, notice is given that a draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Program Year 2023-2024 is available for review and comment. The CAPER is an annual review of the progress made in carrying out the Strategic and Action Plan components of the State of Hawaii's Consolidated Plan. It includes an assessment of the State's performance in meeting its affordable and supportive housing objectives under the HOME Investment Partnerships, National Housing Trust Fund, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS programs. A copy of the (...)
Aug 15
NOTICE OF PROPOSED REVISION TO HAWAII'S BEACH MONITORING PROGRAM The Department of Health (DOH), Clean Water Branch (CWB) is soliciting written comments on proposed revisions to the Hawaii Beach Monitoring Program. The document is available at Written comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on Monday, September 16th, 2024, through e-mail at: or postal mail at: Clean Water Branch, 2827 Waimano Home Road, Room 225, Pearl City, HI 96782. If you need any additional information, please call the Clean Water Branch at 808-586-4309 from Monday to Friday between 7:45 AM and 4:30 PM. Darryl Lum P.E. Clean Water (...)
Aug 14
STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BENEFIT, EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, this notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a virtual public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to and compilation of chapter 17-678, "Financial Assistance Standards for Individuals in Independent Living Arrangements, Residential Treatment Facilities, or Domiciliary Care Homes," Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), for the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, in accordance with federal regulations and state statutes. Brief descriptions of the proposed amendments to chapter 17-678, HAR, (...)
Aug 14
STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BENEFIT, EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, this notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a virtual public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to and compilation of chapter 17-678, "Financial Assistance Standards for Individuals in Independent Living Arrangements, Residential Treatment Facilities, or Domiciliary Care Homes," Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), for the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, in accordance with federal regulations and state statutes. Brief descriptions of the proposed amendments to chapter 17-678, HAR, (...)
Aug 14
CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICES PUBLIC AUCTION OF ABANDONED & UNCLAIMED VEHICLES Notice is hereby given that the following listed vehicles, after being towed and unclaimed pursuant to Chapter 290-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and/or pursuant to Section 15-13.10, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, will be either sold by auction as is, disposed of, sold as junk, or will be donated to a governmental agency at the scheduled hour of auction. There will be a minimum bid of Fifty dollars ($50.00) for each vehicle sold at auction. Vehicles may be inspected within 5 calendar days prior to the (...)
Aug 14
Public Notice State Health Planning and Development Agency The Agency has received a completed application (#24-09A) under Part V and Part VII of Chapter 323D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, from The Queen's Medical Center for the acquisition and renovation of the hospital located at 91-2301 Old Fort Weaver Rd, Ewa Beach, HI (known as Kahi Mohala), at a capital cost of $30,500,000. Parties to the agreement: The Queen's Medical Center, Sutter Health Pacific. Pursuant to Section 323D-44.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, any interested person may request a public meeting on an application before the Agency renders its decision. Any request for a (...)
Aug 14
STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BENEFIT, EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, this notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a virtual public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to and compilation of chapter 17-678, "Financial Assistance Standards for Individuals in Independent Living Arrangements, Residential Treatment Facilities, or Domiciliary Care Homes," Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), for the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, in accordance with federal regulations and state statutes. Brief descriptions of the proposed amendments to chapter 17-678, HAR, (...)
Aug 14
NOTICE The COUNCIL OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU at its meeting held on August 7, 2024, passed the following bills on Second Reading by the votes indicated: Bill 36 (2024) - Authorizing the issuance and sale and specifying certain terms of wastewater system revenue commercial paper of the City and County of Honolulu in an aggregate outstanding principal amount not to exceed four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000.00) outstanding at any one time, for the purpose of refunding all or a part of any outstanding wastewater system revenue indebtedness of the City and County or paying the cost of (...)
Aug 13
PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNTY OF HAWAI'I Planning Dept. Applications Accepted July, 2024 In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai'i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner WINDWARD/LEEWARD PLANNING COMMISSIONS 1.*Planning Director Initiated (PL-PDI-2024-008) Ordinance amend Ch. 25 (Zoning), Art. 2, Art. 4, Art. 5, and Art. 7 of the HI County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as amended) Relating to Telecom Antennas and Towers. 2.*Andrew Matsuura/Andrew Matsuura, Sonya Matsuura, Dave M. Haraguchi (PL-REZ-2024-063) Change of Zone A-3a to RS-15 on 3.250 acs at 1078 Ahe (...)