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Public Notices
Jun 24
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPOSED LAND DISPOSITION OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS FOR A SOLAR PROJECT AT KALAELOA, ON THE ISLAND OF OAHU Public Notice is hereby given that the Hawaiian Homes Commission will hold two (2) public hearings, pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes section 171-95.3, at the Hale Ponoi conference facility at DHHL's headquarters, 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Oahu. The hearings will be held on: Monday, July 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm and Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 9:00 am The hearings are for the Commission to provide information and receive comments on a proposed solar project on DHHL lands in (...)
Jun 24
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF SOLICITATION OF COMMENTS STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) FEDERAL FISCAL YEARS 2019 to 2022 (+2) REVISION #4 The State Department of Transportation is providing an opportunity for the public to submit comments on the proposed STIP Revision #4, an amendment, to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2019 to 2022 (+2) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP document identifies projects that are to be programmed for federal Highway or Transit funding. The purpose of this revision is to address major changes to FHWA and FTA funded projects due to changes in purpose and need, shifts (...)
Jun 24
PUBLIC NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION STATE OF HAWAII TO: LANA CHOCK SAFFERY & MELBA CHOCK YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that THE HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION has scheduled a Contested Case Hearing pursuant to Chapter 91, HRS, regarding your alleged failure to repay Contract of Loan No. 18670, for Residential Lease No. 2764, Lot No. 118, situate at Kewalo, O'ahu, Hawaii, in violation of §§ 210 and 216 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. TO: WILLIAM ROBERT IKAIKA KAHI BRADLEY, KUUIPO PUAMEHANA HAILI, HIILANI CHASE HAILI AND MATTHEW KAMANOULU HAILI III YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that THE (...)
Jun 23
City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY Apply by July 3, 2019 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. BUDGET ANALYST IV * * * * * * * * * * * * GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM CARTOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Continuous Recruitment DIRECTOR OF RAPID TRANSIT To view the job details, please visit our website:
Jun 22
CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2019 PLACE: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER TIME: 10 A.M. 1. Bill 30, CD1 – Relating to real property taxation. (Providing a real property exemption for properties connected to and utilizing a cold seawater-based district cooling system for air conditioning purposes.) 2. Bill 33, CD1 – Relating to real property tax exemptions for homes. (Amending the ordinances relating to the real property tax exemption for homes.) Persons wishing to speak are requested to register by 10 a.m. using the On-Line Council Speaker Registration form available at, or by sending a fax indicating your (...)
Jun 21
CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULU DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICES PUBLIC AUCTION OF ABANDONED & UNCLAIMED VESSEL Notice is hereby given that the following vessel, after being towed as abandoned and left unclaimed pursuant to Chapter 200-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will be either sold by auction as is, disposed of, sold as junk, or will be donated to a governmental agency at the scheduled hour of auction. There will be a minimum bid of Fifty dollars ($50.00). The vessel is approximately 19 feet in length, no hull identification number, no registration number and may be inspected within 5 calendar days prior (...)
Jun 21
COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING DEPARTMENT, LIHUE, KAUAI 4444 Rice St., Kapule Building, Lihue, Hawaii 96766. Tel: 241-4050. Pursuant to the Special Management Area Rules and Regulations of the County of Kauai, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a hearing to be held by the Planning Commission of the County of Kauai at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Meeting Rooms 2A and 2B, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue, Kauai on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 starting at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter to consider the following: 1. Special Management Area Use Permit SMA(U)-2019-6 to construct a single-family residence on a parcel situated along (...)
Jun 21
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 903.17, the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA), Department of Human Services, hereby provides notice that it will hold public hearings on the Public Housing Agency (PHA) amended 2019-2020 Annual Plan. Background: The 2019-2020 Annual Plan was submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on April 16, 2019. Pursuant to the HPHA's rules and as stated in the 2019-2020 Annual Plan, a significant amendment or modification to the PHA Plan is the 1) adding or eliminating of major strategies to address housing needs and to major policies or (...)
Jun 21
Hawaii Teacher Standards Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to provisions of Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), and all other laws applicable thereto, notice is hereby given that the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) will accept written comments and hold a public hearing regarding the following proposed changes to the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 8-54: 1. Changes the issuance of the Hawaiian permit from five years to one year at a time for a total term of five years; 2. Allows the term of Hawaii educator preparation program state approval to run simultaneously with the term of the (...)
Jun 21
PUBLIC NOTICE CORRECTION HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAM On June 18, 2019, the City and County of Honolulu (City) published a Public Notice in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser to identify an additional property acquisition project that could utilize HOME funds immediately in order to achieve the HOME program goals more efficiently and expediently. The City is issuing a correction to the public notice as described below. NEW AWARD OF $1,440,500 City and County of Honolulu – Permanent Rental Housing for Special Needs Housing Project Description: Acquisition of a duplex, located in Makiki, which will provide ten (10) Single Room Occupancy housing (...)