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Jan 6PUBLIC NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION STATE OF HAWAII TO: SHADRACH P. HUSSEY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that THE HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION has scheduled a Contested Case Hearing pursuant to Chapter 91, HRS, regarding your alleged failure to repay Contract of Loan No. 18667, for Residential Lease No. 3719, Lot No. 3, situate at Waimanalo, O'ahu, Hawaii, in violation of §§ 210 and 216 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. TO: HALENE K. HOPEAU YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that THE HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION has scheduled a Contested Case Hearing pursuant to Chapter 91, HRS, regarding your (...)
Jan 5NOTICE OF ANTICIPATED JUDICIAL VACANCIES The Judicial Selection Commission is accepting applications and nominations for the anticipated judicial vacancies in the offices of Two (2) District Judges, District Court of the First Circuit (island of O'ahu) and District Family Judge, First Circuit (island of O'ahu), State of Hawai'i. The Constitution of the State of Hawai'i requires that the persons selected by the Commission be residents and citizens of the State of Hawai'i and of the United States, and have been licensed to practice law by the Hawai'i Supreme Court. A district judge or a district family judge shall have been (...)
Jan 5County of Kaua'i Water Department MANAGER AND CHIEF ENGINEER Annual Salary Up to: $137,022 CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENT UNTIL NEEDS ARE MET This position provides health benefits, retirement, vacation and sick leave The Kaua'i County Board of Water Supply invites highly qualified, service-oriented, and motivated individuals of the highest integrity and ethics to submit a comprehensive resume of their educational and professional qualifications for the position of Manager and Chief Engineer ("Manager") for the Kaua'i Department of Water. Candidates must possess a minimum of five (5) years of training and experience in an engineering position, at least three years of which shall (...)
Jan 5HAWAI`I STATE JUDICIARY Website: O`ahu Continuous Recruitments Account Clerk III ($2,835)-Honolulu Attorney (Program) I - Honolulu Circuit Court Clerk II (Lautenberg) - Honolulu & Kapolei Clerk III (Warehouse/DL) ($2,520)- Honolulu Court Bailiff I ($3,061), II ($3,310) - Kapolei District Court Clerk I, II – Honolulu Estate & Guardianship Spec - Hon Human Resources Clerk IV ($2,835) & V ($3,061)- Honolulu Judicial Clerk I ($2,722) - Honolulu Judicial Clerk II, III Juvenile Counselor I (Female) (DL) - Immed Temporary/Intermittent - Hon Juvenile Detention Worker I -Kapolei Land and Tax Appeal Court Clerk - Honolulu Social Worker II, III, IV Social (...)
Jan 5City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY Apply by January 29, 2020 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. PRODUCTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN I To view the job details, please visit our website:
Jan 5STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE HUNTING SEASON ON MOURNING DOVE TO BE SHORTER Legal Notice DOFAW 01-20 HONOLULU – The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces a shorter hunting season for the mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) in the State of Hawaii. To comply with federal mandates, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and to meet current state regulations, the last day for hunting mourning dove is now January 12, 2020. The fall game bird hunting season for all other game birds will remain unchanged and will run (...)
Jan 3IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: MATAIASI KAHO YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 19-1-0947-06 (JHA) in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable James H. Ashford, Judge of (...)
Jan 2Notice of Funding Opportunity EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM   The City and County of Honolulu's Department of Community Services, through its Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Purchasing Division, is soliciting applications from qualified non-profit agencies for the following programs: 1. EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS (ESG) PROGRAM, authorized by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH) of 2009 (42 U.S.C. 11302). Approximately $1,261,344.00 in funding for Fiscal Year 2021 is anticipated to be available for street outreach, emergency shelter operations and services, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing activities, which help persons who are homeless or at-risk of (...)
Dec 30IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: TANYA EHULANI-KALIKO SANTOS CORREA YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Defendant City and County of Honolulu (the "City") has filed a Cross-Claim Against Defendant TANYA EHULANI-KALIKO SANTOS CORREA, etc.; Exhibit A; Summons filed herein on April 16, 2019 in Civil No. 18-1-1334-08 JHC on the foreclosure and sale of real property located at 91-1793 Pualoalo Place, Ewa Beach, Hawaii, 96706, Tax Map Key No. (1) 9-1-089-068, to pay the total amount due to the Defendant City under the Shared Appreciation Equity provisions of the (...)
Dec 29City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY Apply by January 8, 2020 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST I * * * * * * * * * * * * * DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION BRANCH CHIEF To view the job details, please visit our website: