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Apr 29PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants had not been released as of March 31, 2020: Act 39/19, OPERATING: Big Island Resource Conservation and Development for BIISC $300,000 Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement $75,000 Friends of Challenger Center Hawaii, Inc. $90,000 Going Home Hawaii $125,000 Guide Dogs of Hawaii (Adaptive Aids, Canines and Advocacy for The Blind) $100,000 Hale Makua Health Services $285,000 Hawaii Institute of Integrative Health $100,000 The Filipino Community Center, Inc. $50,000 Act 39/18, CIP: 442nd Legacy Center $300,000 Aha Hui E Kala $250,000 Aiea Bridge $300,000 Anaina Hou (...)
Apr 29PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants had not been released as of March 31, 2020: Act 39/19, OPERATING: Big Island Resource Conservation and Development for BIISC $300,000 Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement $75,000 Friends of Challenger Center Hawaii, Inc. $90,000 Going Home Hawaii $125,000 Guide Dogs of Hawaii (Adaptive Aids, Canines and Advocacy for The Blind) $100,000 Hale Makua Health Services $285,000 Hawaii Institute of Integrative Health $100,000 The Filipino Community Center, Inc. $50,000 Act 39/18, CIP: 442nd Legacy Center $300,000 Aha Hui E Kala $250,000 Aiea Bridge $300,000 Anaina Hou (...)
Apr 28Mayor's COVID-19 Emergency Rule No. 3 Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Hawai'i Revised Statutes Chapter 127A and due to the public health concerns related to COVID-19, I hereby fi nd that immediate promulgation of this rule is necessary and do so in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of this County. On April 16, 2020, Governor David Ige issued the Fifth Supplementary Proclamation, mandating enhanced social distancing requirements by stating that all customers and employees of essential businesses and operations shall exercise additional social distancing and protective measures to the fullest extent (...)
Apr 27NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF KAUAI The Board of Water Supply of the County of Kauai ("Board") will hold a public hearing and receive public testimony and comments from all interested persons regarding the following item: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY, COUNTY OF KAUA'I, STATE OF HAWAI'I The Department of Water is recommending the proposed amendment to Part 5 Section III to establish and implement a Facilities Reserve Charge for Guest Houses containing a kitchen and Additional Rental Units. Below is a summary of the proposed changes. PART 5 FACILITIES RESERVE (...)
Apr 27PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Variance Applications Accepted Apr. 1-15, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications: * Deadline to submit written public comments ** Tentative date of Director's decision 1. Frank James Weinard & Jennie A. Weinard (VAR-20-000580) From Chapter 23, Subdivision, Section 23-84, Water Supply on 4.5150 acs. at 82-2013 Omeo Rd., S. Kona, TMK: 8-2-014:040. *May 1, 2020 **May 15, 2020. 2. Gary & Judith Miller Trust (VAR-20-000581) From Chapter 25, Zoning, Section 25-5-76 Min. Yards & Section 25-4-44(a) Permitted Projections into Yards & Open Space (...)
Apr 26TEMPORARY CONTRACT WORK City and County of Honolulu An Equal Opportunity Employer The City and County of Honolulu is seeking applications for temporary contract positions for the Department of Environmental Services and the Department of Facility Maintenance. Contract positions are full-time, temporary, and non-civil service. Contract employment is scheduled to end on June 30, 2020, with a possibility of extension. A description of the job duties and requirements can be found under the "Feature" section at In addition to meeting job requirements, eligible candidates must be citizens, nationals, or permanent resident aliens of the United States, or eligible under (...)
Apr 26City and County of Honolulu "The Best Place to Live and Work..." APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY 5- DAY RECRUITMENT ONLY Apply by April 30, 2020 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. POLICE EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apply by May 6, 2020 – 11:59 P.M. H.S.T. PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR I * * * * * * * * * * SANITARY CHEMIST I * * * * * * * * * * WASTEWATER PLANT MACHINIST * * * * (...)
Apr 26Apply at Closing Deadline Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Database Analyst Legal Clerk I Senior Pool Lifeguard Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor III Follow us on Facebook - Jobs at Hawai'i County Hawai'i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (WHT1277317 4/26/20)
Apr 26PUBLIC NOTICE SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS TO 2015-2019 CONSOLIDATED/ANNUAL ACTION/CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-CORONAVIRUS PROGRAM (CDBG-CV) The County of Hawaii's Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) has developed and is publishing its Substantial Amendments to its 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan (CP), Annual Action Plan (AAP) and Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The County of Hawaii OHCD anticipates receiving approximately $1,543,033.00 of Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public Law 116-136, which was signed by President Trump on March 27, (...)
Apr 26Apply at Closing Deadline Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Database Analyst Legal Clerk I Senior Pool Lifeguard Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor III Follow us on Facebook - Jobs at Hawai'i County Hawai'i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (HTH1277316 4/26/20)