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Aug 16REAL PROPERTY TAX FILING DEADLINE FOR DEDICATIONS The deadline for filing a petition to dedicate property, or to renew an expiring dedication, is September 1, 2020. Your petition must be filed with our office on or before this deadline. Your petition may also be mailed with a postmark on or before 9/1/2020 Property may be dedicated for the following uses: Commercial Agricultural, Open Space, Historic Residential, Native Forest, or Residential Use. Please visit for information about these programs and petitions to file for them. All petitions must be filed timely and include all required attachments. Our offices are at (...)
Aug 16COUNTY OF KAUAI Invites applications for: Last Day to File Applications: August 25, 2020 Paralegal Assistant II $4029.00 per month Assistant Water Plant Operator $4056.00 per month Continuous Recruitment Until Needs are Met Account Clerk $2835.00 per month Civil Engineer I $4287.00 per month Civil Engineer II $4630.00 per month Civil Engineer III $4964.00 per month Civil Engineer IV $6351.00 per month Civil Engineer V $6859.00 per month Civil Engineer VI $7530.00 per month County Auditor $128,460.00 per year Electronics/Plant Electrical Tradesperson I $6097.00 per month Emergency Services Dispatcher I $3447.00 per month Grant and Budget Specialist $4968.00 per month (...)
Aug 16WATER SHUT-OFF NOTICE AFFECTED AREA: CUSTOMERS ON BOTH SIDES OF PUAKO BEACH DRIVE FROM 69-1745 PUAKO BEACH DRIVE UNTIL THE END OF PUAKO BEACH DRIVE AND PANIAU; PUAKO, SOUTH KOHALA, HAWAI'I Water will be temporarily turned off in the above-mentioned area on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., to repair an 8-inch water main. Upon resumption of water service, the waterlines will be flushed and cleaned during which time you may notice turbid and/or discolored water. You may also notice trapped air in your plumbing, which will be released as you initially use (...)
Aug 16REAL PROPERTY TAX FILING DEADLINE FOR DEDICATIONS The deadline for filing a petition to dedicate property, or to renew an expiring dedication, is September 1, 2020. Your petition must be filed with our office on or before this deadline. Your petition may also be mailed with a postmark on or before 9/1/2020 Property may be dedicated for the following uses: Commercial Agricultural, Open Space, Historic Residential, Native Forest, or Residential Use. Please visit for information about these programs and petitions to file for them. All petitions must be filed timely and include all required attachments. Our offices are at (...)
Aug 14The City and County of Honolulu announces the 2020 Call for Projects for the Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 grant program. Section 5310 – Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities - provides funds to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation services and expanding transportation mobility options. Honolulu's priority is to fund projects that enable the City to meet its top goal in the Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan – to Improve TheHandi-Van On-Time Performance and Trip Length. Honolulu proposes to meet this goal by utilizing the Section 5310 funding to purchase (...)
Aug 14COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING COMMISSION - 4444 Rice Street, Suite A473, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, 96766, tel: (808) 241-4050, fax: (808) 241-6699, email: Pursuant to the provisions of Special Management Area Rules and Regulations of the County of Kauai and Kauai County Code, Chapter 8, as amended, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 91, and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the County of Kauai Planning Commission, notice is hereby given that the County of Kauai Planning Commission ("Commission") will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. by Microsoft Teams Audio: +1-469-848-0234, Conference ID: 602 169 (...)
Aug 14PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE STATE OF HAWAI'I UPDATE TO THE AGRICULTURAL WATER USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN The State Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM) will hold public hearings to receive testimony on proposed modifications to the Hawai'i Water Plan, as required under Chapter 174C, Hawai'i Revised Statutes. The proposed modifications are to the Agricultural Water Use and Development Plan, which is one of five component plans that constitute the Hawai'i Water Plan. A public review draft of the Agricultural Water Use and Development Plan is available online at the CWRM website: The public review draft may also be reviewed at (...)
Aug 14PUBLIC NOTICE Public Hearing Ground Water Use Permit No. 1094 Municipal and Irrigation Use of Ualapu'e Shaft, Moloka'i (Well No. 4-0449-001) via Zoom and interactive YouTube livestream Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m. The following application for a ground water use permit has received an objection and will therefore be the subject of a public hearing in accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources Administrative Rules 13-171, Subchapter 3 – "Water Use Permits" and Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92 Public Agency Meetings. A hearings officer will gather testimony and information on the ground water use application described below: (...)
Aug 14CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING DATE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020 PLACE: HONOLULU HALE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER TIME: 10:00 AM CHANGE IN MEETING DATE Pursuant to Section 3-107(8) of the Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu, notice is hereby given that the August 12, 2020 Regular Meeting/Public Hearing of the Council has been postponed until August 19, 2020. CITY COUNCIL CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU IKAIKA ANDERSON, CHAIR (SA1291627 8/14/20)
Aug 14Public Notice State Health Planning and Development Agency Certificate of Need The Agency has received certificate of need application #20-10A for administrative review from Wilcox Memorial Hospital for the renovation of its emergency department, at a capital cost of $4,951,000. Pursuant to Section 323D-44.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, any interested person may request a public meeting on an application before the Agency renders its decision. Any request for a public meeting must be submitted in writing and directed to the Administrator, at the address provided below. Any such request must be received by the Agency within seven (7) days of the (...)