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Sep 24NOTICE OF PROPOSED BLANKET SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION BY THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH File No. WQC1092 DOCKET NO. WQC1092 September 23, 2020 The State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to issue a blanket Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) for certain 2020 Department of the Army Nationwide Permits and activities. The proposed Section 401 WQC is available on the internet at: Persons wishing to comment on the proposed Section 401 WQC or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this (...)
Sep 24NOTICE OF PROPOSED BLANKET SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION BY THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH File No. WQC1092 DOCKET NO. WQC1092 September 23, 2020 The State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to issue a blanket Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) for certain 2020 Department of the Army Nationwide Permits and activities. The proposed Section 401 WQC is available on the internet at: Persons wishing to comment on the proposed Section 401 WQC or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this (...)
Sep 24NOTICE OF PROPOSED BLANKET SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION BY THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH File No. WQC1092 DOCKET NO. WQC1092 September 23, 2020 The State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to issue a blanket Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) for certain 2020 Department of the Army Nationwide Permits and activities. The proposed Section 401 WQC is available on the internet at: Persons wishing to comment on the proposed Section 401 WQC or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this (...)
Sep 23NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS These notices shall satisfy two (2) separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the City and County of Honolulu's ("City") Department of Land Management ("DLM"). REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about October 13, 2020, the City will submit a request to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the land value investment release of Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") program funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as (...)
Sep 23SUPPLEMENTAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, by Proclamation, issued on May 15, 2020 and subsequently amended on July 10 and 31, 2020, information was provided to Hawaii voters concerning the 2020 regularly scheduled elections; and WHEREAS, pursuant to §11-103, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is given that the initial mailing of ballot packages to registered voters in the City and County of Honolulu will commence on October 5, 2020; and WHEREAS, pursuant to §11-109, Hawai'i Revised Statutes, the Clerk of the County may designate and provide for Places of Deposit as an option for submitting a return envelope containing a voted ballot; and (...)
Sep 23NOTICE The following Ordinances passed Final Reading at the meeting held by the Council of the City and County of Honolulu on September 2, 2020 and were subsequently approved by the Mayor: Ordinance 20-28 [Bill 42 (2020), CD2] – Relating to building permit applications. AYES: Anderson, Elefante, Fukunaga, Kobayashi, Manahan, Menor, Pine, Tsuneyoshi, Waters – 9. Ordinance 20-29 [Bill 48 (2020), CD1] – Relating to permits required. AYES: Anderson, Elefante, Fukunaga, Kobayashi, Manahan, Menor, Pine, Tsuneyoshi, Waters – 9. Ordinance 20-30 [Bill 50 (2020), FD1, CD1] – Amending Ordinance 19-18, relating to short-term rentals. AYES: Anderson, Elefante, Fukunaga, Kobayashi, Manahan, (...)
Sep 22PUBLIC NOTICE BILL NO. 2795 ORDINANCE NO. 1078 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5A, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY TAX CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby certify that Bill No. 2795 was adopted on second and final reading by the Council of the County of Kaua'i at its meeting held on September 9, 2020 by the following vote: FOR ADOPTION: Chock, Cowden, Evslin, Kagawa, Kuali'i, Kaneshiro TOTAL 6, AGAINST ADOPTION: None TOTAL 0, EXCUSED & NOT VOTING: Brun TOTAL 1*, RECUSED & NOT VOTING: None TOTAL 0. approved by the Mayor on (...)
Sep 22PUBLIC NOTICE BILL NO. 2775, Draft 3 ORDINANCE NO. 1079 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22, KAUA'I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, BY ESTABLISHING A NEW ARTICLE RESTRICTING THE USE AND SALE OF POLYSTYRENE FOAM FOOD SERVICE CONTAINERS CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby certify that Bill No. 2775, Draft 3 was adopted on second and final reading by the Council of the County of Kaua'i at its meeting held on September 9, 2020 by the following vote: FOR ADOPTION: Chock, Cowden, Evslin, Kuali'i TOTAL 4, AGAINST ADOPTION: Kagawa, Kaneshiro TOTAL 2, EXCUSED & NOT VOTING: Brun (...)
Sep 21NOTICE OF DISPOSITION OF IMPOUNDED VESSELS Notice is given that the following vessels: Item No. 2037, "PILIALOHA", Reg. No. HA 5285 E, a 48' fiberglass power vessel; Item No. 2038, No Name, Reg. No. HA 3579 H, a 28' fiberglass sailing vessel; Item No. 2039, "RAVEN", Reg. No. HA 2920 D, a 26' fiberglass sailing vessel; Item No. 2040, "ALYCIA", Reg. No. HA 4934 K, a 28' fiberglass sailing vessel; Item No. 2041, No Name, Reg. No. HA 1248 D, a 21' fiberglass sailing vessel; Item No. 2042, "KAIOLOHIA", Doc. No. 516210, a 31' fiberglass sailing vessel; Item No. 2043, (...)
Sep 21PUBLIC NOTICE (Docket No. 20-CA-PA-11) The Department of Health, State of Hawaii, is notifying all interested persons of the proposed settlement between the Department of Health and Water Resources International, Inc. The Department of Health has issued a Notice and Finding of Violation and Order, in Docket No. 18-CA-EO-04, alleging that Water Resources International, Inc., violated state air pollution laws, HRS §342B-11, HAR §11-60.1-2, the Temporary Noncovered Source Permit ("NSP") No. 0490-01-NT, on annual emissions reports, annual fee payment, exceeding operating hours in a rolling twelve (12) month period, location change, permit renewal payment, and semi-annual monitoring reports. A Consent (...)