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Dec 16NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION HANGAR FACILITIES LEASE DANIEL K. INOUYE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Airports Division ("STATE") shall conduct a public auction ("Public Auction") for lease of a certain hangar facility for fixed-wing aeronautical operations, located at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport ("Airport"), Honolulu, Hawaii, Island of Oahu, State of Hawaii. A. Time and Place of Auction. The Public Auction shall be conducted at the Department of Transportation, Airports Division offices, located at the Airport, Inter-Island Terminal Building, 400 Rodgers Boulevard, Suite 700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819-1880, on Friday, January (...)
Dec 16NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of con¬sidering the applications for liquor licenses set forth below and any protests to the granting of said applications. Persons who wish to testify for or against the granting of a license may either (...)
Dec 15NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF HAWAII PROPOSED RULE MAKING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Employees' Retirement System of the State of Hawaii ("ERS") will hold a public hearing to consider proposed amendments and other changes to Title 6, Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR") for the following chapters: 1. HAR Chapter 6-20: amendments to update and clarify some of the general definitions used in the ERS rules; including for "Administrator," "Alternate Payee," "Executive Director," "Hearing officer," "Petition," "Presiding Officer,"; provide for alternate payees to obtain information relevant to (...)
Dec 15NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE DISPOSAL PLATE VIN VEHICLE REGISTERED OWNER GJX277 / JT3GP10V4V0011073 / 1997 TOYT RAV, WHI / Michael Cremer ; KAH617 / KMHCG45CX5U662313 / 2005 HYUN ACC, GRY / Ashtin Igne ; KAP220 / 5NPEB4AC0CH337663 / 2012 HYUN SON, GRY / MUSIKA VAIMOANA ; KBG164 / JN8DR09X84W805971 / 2004 NISS PTH, BLK / PLUMMER LEE A ; KBZ709 / 2HGEJ6617YH571449 / 2000 HOND CIV, GRN / Hayden Merkel ; KCJ489 / WVWRR61J14W185573 / 2004 VOLK , SIL / Richard & Susie Patey ; KCX409 / JM3TB28Y370113942 / 2007 MAZD CX-9, RED / FIFITA SOSEFO ; KDG058 / JT8BF28G6W0088581 (...)
Dec 15NOTICE TO COUNTY OF KAUA'I REAL PROPERTY OWNERS 2022 ASSESSMENT YEAR APPEAL FILING DEADLINE DECEMBER 31, 2021 This notice is to inform COUNTY OF KAUA'I real property owners that the filing deadline for appealing the 2022 real property assessment is on December 31, 2021. A notice of property assessment showing the tax classification, market and assessed values, total exemptions applied to the property, if any, net taxable value, and the property status (improved, partially complete, or vacant) will be mailed to real property owners by December 1, 2021. For properties that were classified as either Homestead or Commercialized Home Use (...)
Dec 15PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATIONS & SUBDIVISIONS Accepted November 1-15, 2021 In accordance with Section 23-58B of the Subdivision Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant **Subdivider 1. **Marlow Family Trust, Mary Jane (PL-SUB-2021-000022) on 48,750 sf, into 2 lots, sizes 23,805 sf & 24,945 sf, at Olaa, TMK: 1-7-024:051. 2. **Wailani Land Development, LLC (PL-SUB-2021-000023) on 172.889 ac, into 4 lots, sizes 51.328 ac, 74.649 ac, 11.307 ac, & 35.605 ac, at Ponahawai & Punahoa 1st & 2nd, TMK: 2-3-037:001, 2-3-044:019, & 2-3-049:053. Maps/documents are on file & open for inspection (...)
Dec 13NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281, Hawaii Revised Statutes, will hold a public hearing at the office of the Commission on the sixth floor of the Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the application for liquor license set forth below and any protests to the granting of said application. Persons who wish to testify for or against the granting of a license may either (...)
Dec 13THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 3CLP-21-397 ESTATE OF TSUTOMUICHI HAYASHI, DECEASED All persons interested in the above estate are hereby notified that on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estate. All creditors of said estate are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the Chief Clerk of the Court, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or they will be forever barred. (...)
Dec 12NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RETENTION THE HONORABLE DARIEN W. L. CHING NAGATA The Judicial Selection Commission, State of Hawai'i, announces that the term of the Honorable Darien W. L. Ching Nagata as District Judge of the District Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawai'i, will expire on May 19, 2022. Judge Nagata, in accordance with Section 3, Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Hawai'i, has petitioned to be retained in office and to be renewed for an additional term. The Constitution of the State of Hawai'i empowers the Commission to determine whether Judge Nagata should be (...)
Dec 12Apply at Closing Deadline Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Buyer I Follow us on Facebook - Jobs at Hawai'i County Hawai'i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (WHT1352958 12/12/21)