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Dec 31NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed adoption of Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 19-152, State Highway Enforcement Program. The purpose of the proposed rules is to carry out the purposes of Act 250 Session Laws of Hawaii 2019 requiring the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to: a. Establish the state highway enforcement program. b. Add a $200.00 surcharge for illegal parking to existing penalties for violations of the statewide traffic code involving stopping, standing, (...)
Dec 31STATE OF HAWAI'I KA MOKU'AINA O HAWAI'I STATE COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 'A'UNIKE MOKU'APUNI NO KA NA KAWAI KULA PRINCESS VICTORIA KAMAMALU BUILDING 1010 RICHARDS STREET, Room 122 HONOLULU, HAWAI'I 96813 TELEPHONE: (808) 586-8100 FAX: (808) 586-7543 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hawai'i is One of 12 States Chosen to Expand Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities HONOLULU - The pathway to workplace equity is lit with NEON initiatives. The U.S. Department of Labor announced Hawai'i as one of 12 states that will participate in its National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative. The initiative is to commence during the (...)
Dec 31NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed adoption of Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 19-152, State Highway Enforcement Program. The purpose of the proposed rules is to carry out the purposes of Act 250 Session Laws of Hawaii 2019 requiring the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to: a. Establish the state highway enforcement program. b. Add a $200.00 surcharge for illegal parking to existing penalties for violations of the statewide traffic code involving stopping, standing, (...)
Dec 30STATE OF HAWAI'I KA MOKU'AINA O HAWAI'I STATE COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 'A'UNIKE MOKU'APUNI NO KA NA KAWAI KULA PRINCESS VICTORIA KAMAMALU BUILDING 1010 RICHARDS STREET, Room 122 HONOLULU, HAWAI'I 96813 TELEPHONE: (808) 586-8100 FAX: (808) 586-7543 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hawai'i is One of 12 States Chosen to Expand Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities HONOLULU - The pathway to workplace equity is lit with NEON initiatives. The U.S. Department of Labor announced Hawai'i as one of 12 states that will participate in its National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative. The initiative is to commence during the (...)
Dec 30NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed adoption of Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 19-152, State Highway Enforcement Program. The purpose of the proposed rules is to carry out the purposes of Act 250 Session Laws of Hawaii 2019 requiring the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to: a. Establish the state highway enforcement program. b. Add a $200.00 surcharge for illegal parking to existing penalties for violations of the statewide traffic code involving stopping, standing, (...)
Dec 30STATE OF HAWAI'I KA MOKU'AINA O HAWAI'I STATE COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 'A'UNIKE MOKU'APUNI NO KA NA KAWAI KULA PRINCESS VICTORIA KAMAMALU BUILDING 1010 RICHARDS STREET, Room 122 HONOLULU, HAWAI'I 96813 TELEPHONE: (808) 586-8100 FAX: (808) 586-7543 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hawai'i is One of 12 States Chosen to Expand Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities HONOLULU - The pathway to workplace equity is lit with NEON initiatives. The U.S. Department of Labor announced Hawai'i as one of 12 states that will participate in its National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative. The initiative is to commence during the (...)
Dec 30NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed adoption of Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 19-152, State Highway Enforcement Program. The purpose of the proposed rules is to carry out the purposes of Act 250 Session Laws of Hawaii 2019 requiring the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to: a. Establish the state highway enforcement program. b. Add a $200.00 surcharge for illegal parking to existing penalties for violations of the statewide traffic code involving stopping, standing, (...)
Dec 29Rules Relating to the Implementation of the Third Proclamation Relating to Affordable Housing § 1 Purpose and Authority § 2 Definitions § 3 Applicability of Proclamation and Rules § 4 Build Beyond Barriers Working Group § 5 Certification Application § 6 Project Eligibility § 7 Resolutions § 8 Prioritization of Certified Projects § 9 Application of Suspended Laws A. Section 46-4, HRS, County Organization and Administration B. Chapter 76, HRS, Officers and Employees C. Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii Public Procurement Code D. Section 201H-38(a)(3), HRS, Housing development; exemption from statutes, ordinances, charter provisions, and rules. § 1 Purpose and Authority (...)
Dec 29Ordinances 23-87, 23-88, 23-89, 23-90, 23-91, 23-92, 23-93, 23-94, 23-95, 23-96 and 23-97 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council on November 15, 2023, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 23-87 (Bill 84 Draft 3): An Ordinance amending Chapter 5, Article 4, Section 5-4-7 and Chapter 5, Article 5, Section 5-5-4 and 5-5-5 of the Hawai'i County Code 1983 (2016 edition, as amended), relating to Cancellation of Construction Code Permit Applications, Permit Expirations, and Permit Extensions. AYES: Council Members Evans, Inaba, Kagiwada, Kaneali'i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Villegas and Chair (...)
Dec 29Public Notice County of Hawai'i Department of Finance Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Commission Do you know of a special property in Hawai'i County that should be permanently preserved? The County of Hawai'i Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Commission (PONC) is seeking suggestions from the public nominating lands that could possibly be preserved. Properties may qualify for preservation because they offer opportunities for cultural significance, education, natural resources, outdoor recreation, public access to beaches or mountains. Nominations may include beaches, coastal areas, forests, places of natural beauty, in addition to the protection of natural (...)