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Mar 21Published in Star-Advertiser
(1.) IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 24-00145 In the Interest of a Male Child born to Aerial Binton on November 1, 2024. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. 25-00013 In the Interest of the Doe Children: Male Child born on July 21, 2013; Male Child born on May 13, 2014; Male Child born on April 21, 2016; Male Child born on June 18, 2017 to Stacy Marie Cepeda aka Stacy Marie Pocaigue. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: STACY MARIE CEPEDA aka STACY MARIE POCAIGUE Mother FC-S No. 24-00143 In (...) (End Date: Apr 18) (p1)
Mar 19Published in Hawaii Tribune-Herald
(2.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 3CLP 25-0000062 ESTATE OF SHEILA THERESA JENKINS, aka SHEILA T. JENKINS, DECEASED All persons interested in the above estate are hereby notified that on May 19, 2025 at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estate. All creditors of said estate are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the Chief Clerk of the Court, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or (...) (End Date: Mar 26) (p1)