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Notice #: 0001377896-01
Public Notices



Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) passed by the United States Congress on March 27, 2020, as Public Law 116-136, the City was awarded $4,872,982.00 in CDBG Funds. Subsequently, the City has also been awarded two additional CDBG CARES Act allotments of $3,089,159.00 and $6,445,350.00, respectively.

Pursuant to the City and County of Honolulu’s (City) Citizen Participation Plan, the proposed amendments to the City’s Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan is provided for your information. The City desires to reprogram CARES Act funds to projects that can utilize the funds immediately in order to achieve CARES Act CDBG goals more efficiently and expediently. The proposed revisions to the CARES Act CDBG projects are provided for your information and use.

CARES ACT – CDBG Project Description and Name Revisions

Family Promise of Hawai’i – ‘Ohana Navigation Center and Shelter
Project Description: Support the acquisition and rehabilitation of a property to provide non-congregate shelter space and additional support services in response to the coronavirus and to support households at risk of or experiencing homelessness. CDBG funds will be used for the acquisition and rehabilitation of real property to serve as a shelter and navigation center, an eligible activity under 24 CFR § 570.201(c), that will meet the CDBG national objective of serving presumed benefit clientele, specifically homeless persons, as described in
24 CFR § 570.208(a)(2)(i)(A).
Funding Source: CDBG CVII & CVIII
Proposed Amount: $1,541,352.00 (previously $2,041,352)
Location: 1234 No. King Street, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96817

DCS, TEAM WorkHawaii – Outreach Program for Unemployed, and Early Release Detainees
Project Description: Department of Community Services (DCS) will operate the Team WorkHawaii program which includes the provision of grant funds for case management services and emergency payments on behalf of an individual or family for up to six consecutive months for low- to moderate-income persons experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless, specifically targeting the unemployed or early-released detainees, who were either released early because of COVID, or having difficulty finding employment because of COVID. Pursuant to Docket No. FR-6218-N-01 published in the Federal Register Vol. 85, No. 162, dated August 20, 2020, Section III.B.5(f)(i)(page 51467). CDBG-CV funds will be used to provide emergency payments for individuals or families impacted by the coronavirus for items such as food, clothing, housing (emergency rental assistance or mortgage assistance) or utilities for up to six consecutive months. Emergency payments will be made to the provider of such items or services on behalf of an individual or family, and not directly to an individual or family in the form of income. Services provided by DCS employees will include case management and navigation into emergency or transitional shelter, special needs group home, health care facility or permanent supportive housing as fits each LMI client on a case by case basis. In addition, services will include networking with businesses and employers to identify organizational vacancies and encourage placement of the LMI clients that have been adversely impacted by COVID-19. This is a new project. CDBG funds will be used to manage a direct public services program that provides LMI client referrals for health care services, drug abuse services, education, training, fair housing counseling, and welfare services, eligible under 24 CFR § 570.201(e), and will meet the CDBG national objective described in 24 CFR § 570.208(a)(2)(i)(B), as an activity that require information on family size and income so that it is evident that at least 51 percent of the clientele are persons whose family income does not exceed the low- and moderate-income limit.
Funding Source: CDBG CV
Proposed Amount: $1,810,000.00 (previously $1,510,000.00)
Location: 85-670 Farrington Highway, Room 6, Wai’anae, Hawai’i 96792

DCS – Community Based Development Division (CBDD)
Project Description: Provision of grant funds for administrative support of the DCS CBDD. The City certifies that CDBG administrative funds will not be used to pay for staff time administering the ESG and HOPWA programs. This is a continuation project. CDBG funds will be used for General Program Administration, eligible under 24 CFR § 570.206(a).
Funding Source: CDBG CV
Proposed Amount: $842,076.70 (previously $642,076.70)
Location: 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96817

Interested parties may submit written comments by August 6, 2022, to: the City & County of Honolulu, Department of Community Services, Community Based Development Division, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96817 or by email to

City and County of Honolulu

Anton C. Krucky, Director
Department of Community Services

(SA1377896 7/7/22)