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Notice #: 0001324773-01
Public Notices


Application for Water Use Permit
Mokuleia Ground Water Management Area, Oahu

The Commission on Water Resource Management received the following Ground Water Use Permit Application. Public Notice is given pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules, Section 13-171, "Designation and Regulation of Water Management Areas."

GWUPA No. 01108 Alston well (Well No. 3-3409-026)

Full application link:

Applicant: Dentons US LLP
1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1800
Honolulu, HI 96813
Landowner: Dentons US LLP
1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1800
Honolulu, HI 96813

Date Application Filed as Complete: April 7, 2021
Hydrologic Unit / Aquifer System Area: Mokuleia System, North Sector, Oahu
Water Source

Well No. Well Name Tax Map Key Aquifer System Area
3-3409-026 Alston (1) 6-8-003:045 Mokuleia System,
North Sector, Oahu

Quantity Requested: 0.025 million gallons per day.
Proposed Use: Agriculture
End Use

New/Existing Description Place of Water Use Qty of Use (GPD)
New Plumeria Orchard/ at Tax Map Key: 4,800
Field Stock (1) 6-8-003:045
New Mango Orchard/ at Tax Map Key: 10,000
Field Stock (1) 6-8-003:045
New Bermuda grass at Tax Map Key: 5,700
(1) 6-8-003:045
New Hula Plants at Tax Map Key: 4,800
(Flowers used for lei) (1) 6-8-003:045

Written objections or comments on this application may be filed by any person who has property interest in any land within the hydrologic unit of the source of water supply, any person who will be directly and immediately affected by the proposed water use, or any other interested person. Written objections must (1) state the property or other interest in the matter (provide TMK information); (2) set forth questions of procedure, fact, law, or policy, to which objections are taken; and (3) state all grounds for objections to the proposed permit. Written objections must be received by May 24, 2021. Objections must be sent to 1) the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809 and 2) the applicant at the above address.

/ s / M. Kaleo Manuel

M. KALEO MANUEL, Deputy Director for
SUZANNE D. CASE, Chairperson

Dated: April 23, 2021
(SA1324773 5/3, 5/10/21)