NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public hearings to be held by the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA), a body corporate and a public instrumentality of the State of Hawaii, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 15-22 (Vested Mauka Area Rules) and 15-219, Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”), and Section 206E-5.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes. DATES: March 3, 2021 (Presentation Hearing) 11:00 a.m. March 10, 2021 (Modification Request Hearing) 10:00 a.m. May 5, 2021 (Decision-Making Hearing) 11:00 a.m. PLACE: Hearings will be convened virtually* *In accordance with the Governor’s December 16, 2020 Seventeenth Proclamation Related to the COVID-19 Emergency (“Seventeenth Emergency Proclamation”), specifically Section VI (B), ordering the suspension of specific provisions of certain laws including HRS Chapter 92, “public agency meetings and records” and social distancing guidelines issued by state and federal public health agencies in an effort to contain community spread of the ongoing COVID-19 Virus, the above-referenced public hearings will be convened virtually via Zoom. Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 702 569 4770 Passcode: 434019 The public may also view the above-referenced public hearings which will be live streamed (simultaneously recorded and broadcast live) via the following internet “YouTube” and “Facebook” links provided below: YouTube: Facebook: In the event that the temporary suspension of specific provisions of the Sunshine Law provided for in the Governor’s Seventeenth Emergency Proclamation is lifted or otherwise no longer in effect, and therefore allowing the Authority to convene any of the above-referenced public hearings in person, those hearings will be held at the above-referenced times, at the following location: HCDA Board Meeting Room 547 Queen Street, 2nd Floor Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or as soon thereafter as those interested may be heard to consider the following items: APPLICATION 1 Application Date: December 20, 2020 Permit Number: KAK 21-001 Applicant: Victoria Ward, Limited Tax Map Key(s) (TMK): (1) 2-1-053:001(portion) Project Location: 820 Auahi Street 831, 841, 851 Pohukaina Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Description: Development Permit Application (“Application 1”) for a proposed residential project located at 820 Auahi Street; 831, 841, 851 Pohukaina Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814, TMK No.: (1) 2-1-053:001 (Portion), (“Ulana Ward Village Project”) consisting of an approximately 400-foot tower with approximately 697 residential units qualifying as Reserved Housing Units, and a 75-foot parking and mixed-use podium consisting of 1,235 parking stalls, approximately 6,916 square feet of commercial area, and approximately 34,501 square feet of light industrial area. The Ulana Ward Village Project also includes approximately 26,597 square-feet of open space, approximately 40,708 square-feet of recreation space, and a 30,000 square-foot neighborhood park. APPLICATION 2 Application Date: December 20, 2020 Permit Number: KAK 21-002 Applicant: Victoria Ward, Limited Tax Map Key(s) (TMK): (1) 2-3-002:002 and 059 (portion) Project Location: 333 Ward Avenue; 940 Auahi Street Honolulu, Hawaii, 96814 Description: Development Permit Application (“Application 2”) for a proposed residential project located at 333 Ward Avenue, 940 Auahi Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814, TMK Nos.: (1) 2-3-002:002 & 059 (Portion), (“The Park Ward Village Project”) consisting of an approximately 400-foot tower with approximately 546 residential units, and a 75-foot parking podium consisting of 960 parking stalls, and approximately 37,236 square-feet of retail area. The Park Ward Village Project also includes approximately 22,198 square-feet of open space, and approximately 75,659 square-feet of recreation space. In accordance with HAR §15-219-49, interested persons may petition to intervene to participate as a party in this hearing by filing a timely written motion and providing 30 copies of such written motion to the HCDA office located at 547 Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, no later than 4:30 p.m., Thursday, February 4, 2021 and serving copies upon the Applicant at 1240 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. The Authority will act on any motions to intervene on March 3, 2021, at which time all the parties to this proceeding will be established. March 3, 2021 – Presentation Hearing The purpose of the March 3, 2021 Presentation Hearing is to allow the Applicant to present the proposed projects in Application 1 and Application 2 (the “Applications”), to allow any other party to the proceeding the opportunity to present its position, and to provide the general public with the opportunity to present oral and/or written testimony. March 10, 2021 – Modification Request Hearing The purpose of the March 10, 2021 Modification Request Hearing is to allow the Applicant to present its modification request(s) for the proposed project in the Applications, allow any other party to the proceeding the opportunity to present its position, and to provide the general public with the opportunity to present oral and/or written testimony. The applicant is requesting the following modifications from the Vested Mauka Area Rules. Application 1: Ulana Ward Village Project Modification of the parking and mixed-use podium height from 45 feet to 75 feet with an additional 12 feet of height for accessory use structures with a total area less than 15% of the parking and mixed-use podium roof area, and 18 feet of height for structures housing elevator machinery on the parking and mixed-use podium roof. Application 2: The Park Ward Village Project 1. Modification of view corridor setback on Ward Avenue to accommodate a continuous building façade that defines the edge of street and allows for articulation of building façade along Ward Avenue. 2. Modification of the parking and mixed-use podium height from 45 feet to 75 feet with an additional 12 feet of height for accessory use structures with a total area less than 15% of the parking and mixed-use podium roof area, and 18 feet of height for structures housing elevator machinery on the parking and mixed- use podium roof. May 5, 2021 – Decision-Making Hearing The purpose of the Decision-Making Hearing is to allow for any additional oral and/or written comments from the general public on the Applications prior to decision-making action by the Authority on the Applications. If the Authority adopts a proposed decision and orders which are adverse to a party, the party adversely affected will be allowed to file written comments and/or exceptions to the Authority’s Proposed Decision and Order. Thereafter, the Authority will engage in final decision-making at a further hearing to be held on June 2, 2021. Any party to the proceeding may retain legal counsel, appear on his/her own behalf, or send a representative if the party is a partnership, corporation, trust, or association. The Development Permit Applications are posted online on the HCDA website at Hard copies of the Development Permit Applications are available: (1) via mail upon request after payment has been made for copying and postage costs and are also available for inspection during regular business hours at the HCDA office, located at 547 Queen Street, 5th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. To request a copy of the Development Permit Applications or to submit written comments, please contact the HCDA on or before the date of the public hearing. Written comments will be accepted through the HCDA website at until 12:00 p.m. the day before the respective public hearing dates (“Written Comments Deadline”). Persons wishing to submit public comments after the Written Comments Deadline are encouraged to attend the public hearing to provide their comments. Persons who intend to present comments on the above-listed Applications shall sign-up at the beginning of the public hearing. Persons who intend to submit written comments shall submit 30 copies of their comments by 12:00 p.m., on the day before the public hearing. Please be advised that all written public comments submitted to the HCDA will be treated as a public record and, therefore, any contact information contained therein may be available for public inspection and copying. The Chairperson may limit public oral testimony to three minutes per speaker and speakers may be subject to questioning by the members of the Authority or by any other representative of the Authority. For any questions or concerns regarding the above, please call the HCDA office at 594-0300. Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to contact Ms. Francine Murray, HCDA’s ADA Compliance Coordinator at 594-0300, or by facsimile at 587- 0299 at least five working days prior to the date required. HAWAII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, JOHN WHALEN, CHAIRPERSON (HTH1311295 1/15/21)