NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State of Hawaii, will hold a public hearing by videoconference on proposed amendments to Chapter 13-146 of Title 13, Hawaii Administrative Rules, to increase fees to State Park Camping, Lodging, and Pavilion Rental Fees, Parking and Entrance Fees for Designated State Park Areas. The following section is amended and compiled: 13-146-6 Fees. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and pursuant to the Governor’s most recent supplemental proclamation on May 18, 2020, the public hearing will be held on Monday, July 6 at 10:00am by videoconference with the link on the front page of the Division of State Park’s website at: This videoconference will be streaming live on YouTube at the DLNR channel: The public hearing will be in digital format, all interested parties may view the proposed rules at the following link: Parking-and-Entrance-Fees-Draft-5-Ramseyer-Format-vrs-SBRRB-January-2020-Exhibit-A.pdf and by browsing the Division of State Park’s website at The public hearing will comprise of representatives from the Division of State Parks reading submitted written testimony by the designated date. All interested parties may present their views on the proposed amendments in writing by email or written letter. The public hearing will conclude when all written testimony is read. Written statements must be received by email or mail by the designated date and time of 4:30pm, Tuesday, June 30. All email responses to the proposed rule change can be addressed to: All mailed testimony can be addressed to: The Division of State Parks, DLNR, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310, Honolulu, Hawai’i, 96813. All testimony must pertain to the proposed rule regulation. For special needs (large print, sign language interpreter, etc.), call Robert Park at 808-587-0313 at least one week prior to the designated date and time of the public hearing. Persons may request a hardcopy of the rule proposal; a copy charge of $0.50 per page will apply. Hardcopies can be mailed upon receipt of a valid request, mailing information, and payment of copy and postage charges. Requests must be made by phone or in writing to: Division of State Parks 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310 Honolulu, Hawai’i, 96813 /s/SUZANNE D. CASE Chairperson Board of Land and Natural Resources (TGI1281577 5/29/20)