BID FORMS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for IFB No. UHWO 15-01 OLS, OUTDOOR LEARNING SPACE, SHADE STRUCTURE AT CAMPUS CENTER PLAZA, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII-WEST OAHU, KAPOLEI, HAWAII will be available from and bids received in the University of Hawaii – West Oahu, Planning and Facilities Office, F201, in the Maintenance Building (Bldg. F), 91-1001 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, Hawaii. Bids shall be sealed, in hard copy format.
Scope of Work:
Basic Bid: The project in general shall involve the construction of a new shade structure in the Campus Center Plaza and associated site improvements including (but not limited to) selective demolition, excavation, fill, backfill and compaction, soil treatment, irrigation, landscaping, precast concrete pavers, castin-place concrete, decorative concrete, structural steel, miscellaneous steel fabrication, light gage steel, prefinished aluminum components, composite decking, sealant, paint and coatings, electrical power, lighting, lighting controls, audio-visual system, stage lighting, telecommunications, and fire alarm system and incidental work as called for in the Plans and Technical Specifications. All permit fees shall be covered under the Basic Bid.
Alternate Number 1: Modifications to existing planters to incorporate new bench seating including (but not limited to) selective demolition, precast concrete pavers, cast-in-place concrete, composite decking and supporting members.
Pre-Bid Conference:
Due to conditions at the site that may not be clearly identified in the technical specifications and plans, it is highly recommended that all bidders attend the prebid conference/jobsite walkthrough at 1:30 pm, Monday, December 23, 2019 at Building E (Laboratory Building) Room E109, University of Hawaii-West Oahu, 91-1001 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, Hawaii.
To be eligible to bid, bidders must possess a valid State of Hawaii Contractor’s A or B License.
Request for Substitution/Clarification:
Requests for Substitution/Clarification regarding the IFB and its requirements must be submitted to the Technical Representative, Fenita Long, UHWO Planning and Facilities, via email at no later than 2:00 pm, Thursday, January 2, 2020 Hawai’i Standard Time.
Bid Submittal Date:
Bids must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm, Wednesday, January 8, 2020 Hawai’i Standard Time.
Bids received after the due date and time fixed above will not be considered.
Direct all questions to the Technical Representative, Fenita Long,
Sylvia Yuen, Executive Director
Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
(SA1252442 12/19/19)