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Notice #: 0001487467-01
Public Hearings


The Maui Planning Commission of the County of Maui hereby gives notice of a public hearing on April 22, 2025, commencing at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as is practicable either at the Planning Department Conference Room, Kalana Pakui Building, 250 South High Street, Wailuku, Maui, Hawai’i 96793 and also via the Webex videoconferencing platform, Meeting ID: 2664 678 1202 and Password: 042225, on the following matter:


KATE L.K. BLYSTONE, PLANNING DIRECTOR, transmitting Council Resolution No. 23-192, referring to the Maui Planning Commission a proposed Bill relating to a Conditional Change in Zoning from R-1 Residential to B-2 Business Community District for real property of approximately 14,467 square feet located in Lahaina, Maui Hawai’i, Tax Map Key (2) 4-5- 013:012. (ZPA2023-00003) (W. Leauanae)


RORY FRAMPTON CONSULTING INC. on behalf of the ANDREA M. AND GLAVIN K. KAIO FAMILY TRUST to request a Conditional Permit to create a four parcel State and County zoned ‘Agricultural’ subdivision from a 12.834- acre parcel that was previously subdivided from a seven-lot subdivision of a 26.178-acre parcel. A Conditional Permit is required for the new subdivision because it cannot be conventionally subdivided per Maui County Code, Section 19.30A.040 (F), as it exceeds the maximum number of lots allowed per ‘Agricultural’ zoning. The parcel is identified as Tax Map Key (2) 3-2-008:067 and located at 201 He’ahe’a Place in Waihe’e, Maui, Hawai’i (CP2024-00001) (T. Furukawa)

The subject public hearing will be conducted in accordance with Hawai’i Revised Statute Chapter 91, the Maui County Code and Rules of the Maui Planning Commission. Information pertaining to the subject applications may be obtained from the Maui County Planning Department, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui or by email at

All testimony regarding the subject applications may be filed prior to the date of the hearing by providing 15 copies of said written testimony to the Department of Planning or via email or may be presented at said hearing. Written testimony may be submitted by mail to: Planning Department, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Hawai’i 96793, or by email to Written testimony should be submitted two business days prior to the public hearing to ensure distribution to the commissioners; however, testimony submitted after such date will still be accepted by the Board until the closing of public testimony at the hearing. Further information will be provided on the posted meeting agenda.

Any person requesting accommodations due to disabilities must call (808) 270-7735 at least three days before the date of the scheduled public hearing. For requests received sooner than three days prior to the hearing, every attempt will be made to accommodate the request, but it cannot be guaranteed.

By Kate L. K. Blystone
Planning Director

(SA1487467 3/21/25)