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Notice #: 0001485465-01
Notices to Motorists

Traffic Schedule No. 2025-1


a. By amending Schedule II of Sec. 15-6.2(b) establishing traffic signals on Federal-aid Highway (State) by adding thereto the following item:

“Kamehameha Hwy. – ‘Ohai St.”

b. By amending Schedule IV of Sec. 15-7.2(a)(2) establishing speed limit–15 mph by adding thereto the following item:

“Moneha Pl., for its entire length.”

c. By amending Schedule V of Sec. 15-7.2(b)(3) establishing speed limit–25 mph in the following particulars:

1. By adding thereto the following items:

“Halewili St., for its entire length.”

“Kahinani Wy., for its entire length.”

“Maka’imo’imo St., for its entire length.”

“‘Ulu St., for its entire length.”

2. By amending thereto the following item:

Kulia St., from Hanau St. to Uakaniko’o St.; to read:

“Kulia St., for its entire length.”

d. By amending Schedule VI of Sec. 15-7.2(c) establishing speed limit–30 mph by deleting therefrom the following item:

“Nihi St., from Kilohana St. to Murphy St.”

e. By amending Schedule XIV of Sec. 15-11.3 establishing stop intersections in the following particulars:

1. By adding thereto the following items:

“Hakunui St. shall stop before entering Halewili St.”

“Hikikaulia St. shall stop before entering Maka’imo’imo St.”

“Kauhihau Pl. shall stop before entering Kuleana Rd.”

“Kaulike Dr. shall stop before entering Kulena Rd. (eastern intersection)”

“Kaulike Dr. shall stop before entering Kulena Rd. (western intersection)”

“Kuleana Pl. shall stop before entering Kuleana Rd.”

“Kuleana Rd. shall stop before entering Kamehameha Hwy.”

“Kulia St. shall stop before entering Whitmore Ave.”

“Kupulau Pl. shall stop before entering A’aahi St.”

“Leleiona St. shall stop before entering Maka’imo’imo St.”

“Moneha Pl. shall stop before entering Fort Weaver Rd.”

“Napo’ona St. shall stop before entering Keaunui Dr.”

“Napo’ona St. shall stop before entering Kuano’o St.”

“Nemo St. shall stop before entering Pueonani St.”

“Pueonani Pl. shall stop before entering Pueonani St.”

“Puko’a St. shall stop before entering N. Kainalu Dr.”

“Puko’a St. shall stop before entering N. Kalaheo Ave.”

“Wailepo St. shall stop before entering Oneawa St.”

“Wekiu St. shall stop before entering Maka’imo’imo St.”

2. By amending thereto the following item:

Kupipu Pl. shall stop before entering Kahiuka St.; to read:

“Kupipi Pl. shall stop before entering Kahiuka St.”

f. By amending Schedule XIX of Sec. 15-13.9(a)(6) establishing tow zone–AM/PM peak by adding thereto the following item:

Beachwalk Ave., ‘Ewa side, distance 170’ makai direction from the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave.; to read:

“Beach Walk, ‘Ewa side, from a point 194’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave. to Kalia Rd,”

g. By amending Schedule XXII of Sec. 15-14.5(a) establishing prohibited parking certain areas in the following particulars:

1. By adding thereto the following items:

“Akumu St., southern side, from Keolu Dr. to its terminus, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Akumu St., northern side, from Keolu Dr. to its terminus, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Alencastre St., ‘Ewa side, distance 45’ makai direction from the makai curb prolongation of Maigret St.”

“Aulike St., eastern side, from Ku’ulei Rd. to Uluniu St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Aulike St., western side, from Uluniu St. to Ku’ulei Rd., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Dole Rd., eastern side, from the northern curb prolongation of Kilea Pl. to and including its turnaround area.”

“Hakunui St., western side, for its entire length.”

“Halewili St., northern side, for its entire length and including its eastern and western turnaround area.”

“Hamakua Dr., eastern side, from Keolu Dr. to Kailua Rd., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holiday (street sweeping).”

“Hamakua Dr., western side, from Kailua Rd. to Keolu Dr., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Hausten St., ‘Ewa side, from the makai property line of 906 Hausten St. to the makai property line of 818 Hausten St.”

“Ho’ola’i St., eastern side, from Kailua Rd. to Kihapai St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Ho’ola’i St., western side, from Kailua Rd. to Kihapai St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kahinani Wy., within its turnaround area.”

“Kailua Rd. southern side, from Hamakua Dr. to Kailua Rd./Oneawa St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kaima Pl., within its turnaround area.”

“Kainehe St., eastern side, from Kailua Rd. to Kihapai St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kainehe St., western side, from Kihapai St. to Kailua Rd., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kalihi St., ‘Ewa side, distance 100’ mauka direction from the mauka curb prolongation of Kilohana St.”

“Kani’ahe Pl., southern side, from a point 87′ east of the eastern curb prolongation of Kani’ahe St. and including its turnaround area.”

“Keaunui Dr., both sides, between Fort Weaver Rd. and Ho’omahana St.”

“Keolu Dr., outer loop, Kalaniana’ole Hwy. to Keolu Dr., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Keolu Dr., inner loop, Kalaniana’ole Hwy. to Keolu Dr., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kihapai St., southern side, from Kainehe St. to Oneawa St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kihapai St., northern side, from Kainehe St. to Oneawa St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kuhio Ave., mauka side, distance 114′ ‘Ewa direction from a point 48’ ‘Ewa of the ‘Ewa curb prolongation of Nahua St.”

“Kupulau Pl., northern side, and including its turnaround area.”

“Kuulei Rd., southern side, from Kailua Rd./Oneawa St. to Maluniu Ave., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Kuulei Rd., northern side, from Maluniu Ave. to Kailua Rd./Oneawa St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Leleiona St., within its northern turnaround area.”

“Maluniu Ave., eastern side, from Kuulei Rd. to Uluniu St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Maluniu Ave., western side, from Uluniu St. to Kuulei Rd., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Napo’ona St., both sides, between Keaunui Dr. and Kuano’o St.”

“N. School St., mauka side, distance 35′ ‘Ewa direction from the ‘Ewa curb prolongation of Aupuni St.”

“Oswald St., ‘Ewa side, distance 75’ makai direction from the ‘Ewa curb prolongation of St. Louis Dr.”

“Pauoa Rd., ‘Ewa side, between Kaia St. and Naone St.”

“Queen St., mauka side, distance 60′ ‘Ewa direction from the ‘Ewa curb prolongation of Ward Ave.”

“Queen St., makai side, distance 90′ Koko Head direction from the Koko Head curb prolongation of Cooke St.”

“Uluniu St., southern side, Oneawa St. to Maluniu Ave., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Monday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

“Uluniu St., northern side, from Maluniu Ave. to Oneawa St., 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., first Thursday of the month, except State holidays (street sweeping).”

2. By amending thereto the following items:

Alaloa St., western side, distance 55′ southerly direction from a point 280′ south of the southern curb prolongation of Haiku Rd.; to read:

“Alaloa St., western side, distance 145′ southerly direction from a point 185′ south of the southern curb prolongation of Haiku Rd.”

Ka’alawai Pl., ‘Ewa side, for its entire length.; to read:

“Ka’alawai Pl., ‘Ewa side, for its entire length and including its turnaround area.”

Kahiuka St., northern side, from Kapolei Parkway to its eastern turnaround area; to read:

“Kahiuka St. northern side, from Kapolei Parkway to its eastern terminus.”

Lunalilo Home Rd., Makapu’u side, from a point 366′ mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Kalakua St. to a point 280′ mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Wailua St.; to read:

“Lunalilo Home Rd., Koko Head side, from a point 366’mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Kalakua St. to a point 317′ mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Wailua St.”

O’ahu Ave., Koko Head side, distance 179′ mauka direction from a point 72′ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Ka’ala St.; to read:

“O’ahu Ave. distance 200′ mauka direction from a point 90′ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Ka’ala St.”

‘Ohai St., eastern side, distance 287’ southerly direction from the southern curb prolongation of Olive Ave.; to read:

“‘Ohai St., eastern side, distance 290’ southerly direction from the southern curb prolongation of Olive Ave.”

Pueonani St. – mauka side, from its turnaround area to a point 160′ Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Nemo St. to its dead end and including its turnaround area.; to read:

“Pueonani St. – mauka side, from a point 160′ east of the eastern curb prolongation of Nemo St. to its dead end and including its turnaround area.”

3. By deleting therefrom the following items:

“Beach Walk, ‘Ewa side, distance 170’ makai direction from the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave.”

“Kaniahe Pl., within its turnaround area.”

“Pueonani St. – makai side, from a point 185′ Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Nemo St. to its dead end and including its turnaround area.”

h. By amending Schedule XXIII of Sec. 15-14.5(b) establishing prohibited parking loading and unloading in the following item:

Beachwalk, ‘Ewa side, from a point 465’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave. to Kalia Rd.; to read:

“Beach Walk, ‘Ewa side, from a point 194’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave. to Kalia Rd.”

i. By amending Schedule XXIV of Sec. 15-15.1(d) establishing curb loading zones in the following items:

Aulike St., mauka side, distance 34′ Waimanalo direction from a point approximately 50′ Waimanalo of Waimanalo curb prolongation of Uluniu St.; to read:

“Aulike St., mauka side, distance 34′ Waimanalo direction from a point approximately 38′ Waimanalo of Waimanalo curb prolongation of Uluniu St.”

Beachwalk, ‘Ewa side, distance 100′ makai direction from a point 70’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave.; to read:

“Beach Walk, ‘Ewa side, distance 125′ makai direction from a point 80’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Kalakaua Ave

j. By amending Schedule XXV of Sec. 15-15.3(d) establishing official bus stops by adding thereto the following item:

“Salt Lake Blvd., eastern side, distance 150′ northern direction from the northern curb prolongation of Maluna St.”

k. By amending Schedule XXVIII of Sec. 15-17.2(d) establishing restricted pedestrian crossing roadways by deleting the following item:

“S.King St., the marked crosswalk across S.King on the Koko Head side of the intersection of S.King and Punchbowl Sts., 6:30-8:30 am Monday to Friday except State holidays.”

l. By amending Schedule XXXIV of Sec. 15-8.3(c) establishing bicycle lanes by adding thereto the following item:

“Queen St., both sides, between Cooke St. and Ward Ave.”

m. By amending Schedule XXXVIII of Sec. 15-24.17 establishing miscellaneous traffic controls by adding thereto the following items:

“Oneawa St.- north-bound traffic in the eastern most lane, must turn right at Kawainui St.”

n. By amending Schedule XL of Sec. 15-7.2(j)(1) establishing speed limit–20 mph by adding thereto the following item:

“Hale’iwa Rd., between Pa’ala’a Rd. and Kaiaka Bay Beach Park entrance, the speed limit shall be 20 mph when light is flashing, school days only.”

“Nihi St., from Kilohana St. to Murphy St., the speed limit shall be 20 mph.”

Section 2. This schedule is hereby attached to and made a part of Article VI hereof and shall take effect ten (10) working days after its publication.

J. Roger Morton
Department of Transportation Services
City and County of Honolulu
Date: _________________
Copies of the Schedule are on file
in the City Clerk’s Office for use
and examination by the public.
(SA1485465 2/27/25)