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Notice #: 0001467058-01
Public Hearings


Notice is hereby given that the City and County of Honolulu intends to lease City-owned property for nominal rent to the following lessee for the following purpose:

1. Catholic Charities Hawai’i to provide permanent supportive housing for youth aged 18 to 24. The building is located at 1531 D&E Kewalo Street, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96822, TMK: (1) 2-4-021:043-0001 and -0002. The lease rent will be $100 per month for a term of four and a half (4.5) years.

In compliance with Section 38-3.4, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, a public hearing for the leases of City properties will be held as follows:

DATE: Monday, October 7, 2024
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Kapalama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Room 277
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96817

All interested persons are invited to attend such hearing and to state their views relative to the proposed leases, either orally or in writing. Written comments may be addressed to Anton C. Krucky, Director of the Department of Community Services, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96817. Questions regarding the hearing and proposed leases may be directed to Anton C. Krucky at the above address or by telephone, at 808 768 7760 on regular business days between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Any persons planning to attend the public hearing who may require special accommodations or assistance should make their request by telephoning 808-768-7760 at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled date of the hearing.

Rick Blangiardi, Mayor
City and County of Honolulu

Anton C. Krucky, Director
Department of Community Services

(SA1467058 9/06/24)