NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Deutsche BankNational Trust Company vs. Democreto MejiaCalacsan, Et. Al.; Civ. No 1CCV-22-0001512;91-1064 Huluhulu Street, Ewa Beach, Hawaii,96706, TMK No. (1) 9-1-054-188. (Fee Simple);3 bedroom, 2 bath single family home located inWestloch Estates, Ewa Beach. Living area: 1420sqft, 5,379 Land sqft. OPEN FOR INSPECTION:Feb 10, 2024, 9-12 am; Feb 17, 2024, 9-12 am.AUCTION DATE: Feb 28, 2024 at 12:00 noon,First Circuit Building (Ka’ahumanu Hale), 777Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI; TERMS OF SALE:No upset price. Property sold “as is” condition atpublic auction with 10% of highest bid payablein cash, certified or cashier’s check at close ofauction, balance payable upon delivery of title.Potential bidders must be able to provide proof ofhis ability to comply with 10% of bid requirementprior to participating in the public auction. Buyershall pay all costs of closing including escrow,conveyance and recordation fee, conveyance taxesand is responsible for securing possession of theproperty upon recordation. SALE SUBJECT TOCOURT CONFIRMATION. For further informationcontact Jeremy Moncur, commissioner, P.O. Box522, Kahuku, HI 96731, Tel: 808-428-1975, Email:
(SA 1/31, 2/7, 2/14/24)