State of Hawaii
Up to $5,600 per month, Exempt, Non-Civil Service, Full-Time, Temporary Appointment. The primary purpose of this position is to study the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in particular populations as they relate to vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) and to apply this study to the control of health problems in this subject area. The position will produce data for decision-making and for detecting, understanding, controlling, and preventing VPDs in the population. This position will be responsible, in the area of VPDs, for facilitating enhancement of disease outbreak investigations; responding to and reporting disease alerts; developing and enhancing surveillance; facilitating, coordinating, and exchanging of surveillance data with partners; implementing sentinel, syndromic, or hospital-based, including emergency department, surveillance to enhance early detection, identify outbreaks, and support all-hazards situation awareness. This position will also conduct epidemiological assessments. EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE: Master’s Degree in Epidemiology or health-related field for which the candidate completed and passed at least three (3) epidemiological methods courses, one of which must be an advanced level, and at least two (2) biostatistics courses requiring mastery of large datasets and analyses using a statistical software application. Each qualifying course should have fulfilled a minimum of 2 credits. LICENSE: Valid State of Hawaii driver’s license is preferred. Visit the Dept. of Health website to view requirements and application packet: opportunities/ Mail application packet to: Recruitment is continuous until needs are met. For additional information, interested applicants should contact Jocelyn Ungos-Markham, at An Equal Opportunity Employer |