NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE RECEIVED BY STATE OF HAWAII, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Community Noise Control, Variance Application No. V-1261 Docket No. 22-NR-VN-07 Pursuant to Chapter 342F-5, subsection(h), Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Department of Health seeks written comments from interested persons regarding the following variance application: The Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division, 1720 Haleukana Street, Lihue, Hawaii 96766, has applied to the Department of Health for a variance from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-46, Section 11-46-6(a), which states, “General Prohibition. Without a permit or variance issued pursuant to Section 11-46-7 or 11-46- 8, no person within the State shall operate, from any premises or land owned, rented, leased, occupied, or controlled by that person, any excessive noise source.” The Hawaii Department of Transportation proposes to reconstruct weakened pavement areas, perform cold-planing, resurfacing, removing existing pavement markers, installing new pavement markers, removing existing traffi c signs and installing new traffi c signs, cleaning existing culverts and dressing of shoulders along Kuhio Highway, Route 56, between Mile Post 24.25 to Mile Post 28.12. The Hawaii Department of Transportation would like to conduct construction related activities on Sunday night to Friday morning (6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) from January 3, 2023 to June 30, 2023. The Department of Health will retain and consider all written comments received not later than thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice. If comments received warrant it, the Department may hold a public hearing, after at least thirty (30) days public notice, on the variance application. The fi nal decision will be made on the basis of the application, related documents, written comments and the public hearing, if any. Written comments and requests for information or inspection of the variance application and related documents should be directed to: Indoor and Radiological Health Branch, 99-945 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii 96701, telephone (808) 586-4700.