Bill Nos. 111 (Draft 3), 113, 122, and 123 I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai’i County Council on February 23, 2022, by vote as listed below: Bill 111 (Draft 3): Amends Chapter 19, Article 11, Section 19-90, of the Hawai’i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), Relating to Real Property Taxes. Allocates 75 percent of real property tax revenue collected annually from Residential Tier Two properties that is applied to the net taxable real property value of $2 million or more to County-sponsored programs to address housing and homelessness, through June 30, 2027. Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None. Bill 113: Amends Section 25-8-26 (Pahoa Zone Map), Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), by Changing the District Classification from SingleFamily Residential 10,000 Square Feet (RS-10) to Village Commercial 20,000 Square Feet (CV-20) at Waiakahiula, Puna, Hawai’i, Covered by TMK: 1-5-003:037 (Applicant: Aguinaldo 4, LLC) (Area: 1.545 acres). Allows the applicant to temporarily use three existing structures for commercial purposes, and then remove the three existing structures and construct a 13,520 square foot mixed-use medical, retail, and office complex with associated infrastructure. Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 8; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: Council Member Kierkiewicz 1. Bill 122: Amends Ordinance No. 21-38, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai’i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022. Increases revenues in the Fund Balance from Previous Year account ($4,940,000), and appropriates same to the following accounts: General Excise Tax Mass Transit Salaries and Wages ($200,000) and Other Current Expenses ($4,700,000); Retirement Benefits ($15,000); and Federal Insurance Contributions Act Employer Share ($25,000). Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None. Bill 123: Amends Ordinance No. 21-38, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai’i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022. Appropriates revenues in the Federal Grants Coastal Zone Management account ($160,000), and appropriates same to the Coastal Zone Management account. Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None. Jon Henricks COUNTY CLERK Hawai’i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (WHT1362686 3/4/22)