NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE COUNTY OF HAWAI`I MASS TRANSIT AGENCY REVISING ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REGARDING SHARED RIDE TAXI PROGRAM Pursuant to Chapter 91, Section 3, of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Mass Transit Agency proposes to revise administrative rules regarding its Shared Ride Taxi Program. The revisions repeals the $15 service charge for exchanging expired coupons and implements changes that coupons are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged. A Public Hearing solely for the purpose of taking public testimony on the proposed revisions will be held on: Date: February 10, 2022 Time: 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Place: Aupuni Center Conference Room Hilo, Hawaii Meeting is also available via Zoom at the following link: Meeting ID: 949 4416 9350 Passcode: VKHQX2 All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing to state their views regarding the proposed revisions either orally or in writing. Written testimony may be submitted by mail, email (, or fax (808-961-8745) to Ms. Tiffany Kai, Mass Transit Agency, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo, HI 96720, provided it is received no later than 12:00 noon on January 21, 2022. All written and oral submissions will be fully considered and included in the record of the hearing. Draft revisions are available for viewing and printing from the Mass Transit Agency website at: Copies of the proposed rule amendments are also available at the Mo’oheau Bus Terminal, 329 Kamehameha Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or by mail/email before the hearings upon request. Cost of hard copies is $1.00 for the first page and .10 for each additional page. Copies may be mailed to interested persons after payment of fees for copy and postage are received. Please call 808-961-8744, option 6, to request copies. The meeting rooms are accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone who requires auxiliary aid or special accommodations to effectively participate in the public hearing shall make all requests at least ten (10) business days prior to the hearing by calling 808-961-8744, option 6. Upon request, this notice and copies of the proposed rule amendments are available in alternate formats. Hawai’i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Duly Submitted: MASS TRANSIT AGENCY By: John Andoh Mass Transit Administrator (HTH/WHT1355885 1/19/22)