IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Selection, Listing and Subsequent Drawing of Names of Persons for GRAND JURORS for the Circuit Court of the Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii, for the Year 2022. NOTICE OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF DRAWING OF NAMES OF PERSONS TO SERVE AS GRAND JURORS FOR THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT, STATE OF HAWAII, FOR THE YEAR 2022 NOTICE is hereby given that an Order to such effect has been assigned by the HONORABLE RANDAL G. B. VALENCIANO, Judge, Circuit Court, Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii, and has been filed with the Court Clerk of said Court, in the date hereof below written, by virtue of which 8:00 o’clock a.m. of Wednesday, the 5th day of January, 2022, in the courtroom of said court, in the Judiciary Building in Lihue, County of Kauai, State of Hawaii, will be the time and place for drawings of and at which the Clerk, to wit, a Court Clerk, will draw, in conformity with the provisions of Sec. 612-16, HRS, as amended, the names of persons to serve as grand jurors for the year 2022. DATED: Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii NOV 10 2021. BY THE COURT: David M. Lam Clerk, Fifth Circuit Court (TGI1350592 12/8/21)