KAUAI NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection on the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: http://dms.puc.hawaii.gov/dms/. Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 16-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public Utilities Commission. Motions to intervene or participate shall be eFiled with the Commission pursuant to the Commission’s Emergency Procedures Order No. 37043, filed on March 13, 2020 (for more information see: https://puc.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Notice.PUC-Moves-to-All-Electronic-Processes.pdf), NOT LATER THAN 20 DAYS AFTER THE PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE (by NOVEMBER 11, 2021). NEW APPLICATION(S) – UTILITIES DOCKET NO. 2021-0147–HOH UTILITIES LLC AND HAWAII WATER SERVICE COMPANY, INC. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF (A) THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF ASSETS OF HOH UTILITIES, LLC TO HAWAII WATER SERVICE COMPANY, INC.; (B) EXPANSION OF ITS SERVICE TERRITORY; AND (C) RELATED MATTERS, FILED ON SEPTEMBER 24, 2021. /s/ JAMES P. GRIFFIN, CHAIR (TGI1346841 10/22/21)