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Notice #: 0001342108-01
Public Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE AMENDMENT TO 2020 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM In accordance with the County’s approved Citizen Participation Plan, an amendment to the County’s Action Plan requires the publication of a public notice to notify citizens of the draft amendment and its availability for comments during the comment period from September 20, 2021 to October 20, 2021. The County of Hawaii’s Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) is proposing an amendment to the following projects and to afford affected citizens an opportunity to submit comments. AMENDMENT TO THE 2020 ACTION PLAN The OHCD is amending its 2020 Action Plan by reprograming a project excess amount of $10,481.66 from the 2020 CDBG Project Mental Health Kokua – Facility Sewer Connection project to the 2020 Hale Maluhia Emergency Shelter Accessibility Improvement for additional accessibility improvement necessary to complete the project. The OHCD will consider any comments and views expressed by citizens on the proposed amendment, and may modify the amendment, if it deems appropriate. Citizens who wish to comment on the amendment must submit their comments in writing to the OHCD, or FAX your comments to (808)961-8685, by October 20, 2021. OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF HAWAI`I BY: Susan K. Kunz Housing Administrator Mitchell D. Roth, Mayor County of Hawai`i (WHT1342108 9/20/21)