- The Honolulu Police Department seized the following gambling machines as evidence from various criminal investigations. To claim ownership of the property, please contact The Honolulu Police Department, Evidence Room at 723-3270, no later than 4:30 pm., December 1, 2021. A claim of ownership must describe the seized property, state your interest in the property, and be notarized. The following listings contain date of seizure, description of items seized, location, establishment (if named), and case report number:
03/07/2019 03/13/2019 7 Fish gaming machines 6 Fish gaming machines
4 Pot O’ Gold machines 3 Pot O’ Gold machines
1221 Kona St 941388 Moaniani St #304
19-088892 19-096968
03/21/2019 03/29/2019
13 Fish gaming machines 10 Fish gaming machines
7 Pot O’ Gold machines 4 Pot O’ Gold machines
918 Puuhale Rd 1356 Kapiolani Blvd
19-107855 19-118473
04/04/2019 04/10/2019
7 Fish gaming machines 6 Fish gaming machines
6 Pot O’ Gold machines 8 Pot O’ Gold machines
1720 Palolo Ave 147 Ohai St
19-126677 19-135275
04/17/2019 05/06/2019
10 Fish gaming machines 16 Fish gaming machines
5 Pot O’ Gold machines 3 Pot O’ Gold machines
903 Lehua Ave 529 Mokauea St
19-144863 19-162966
05/08/20190 5/17/2019
7 Fish gaming machines 6 Fish gaming machines
6 Pot O’ Gold machines 5 Pot O’ Gold machines
2018 S. Beretania St 1729 Liliha St
19-173960 19-186304
05/23/2019 05/30/2019
2 Fish gaming machines 7 Fish gaming machines
5 Pot O’ Gold machines 5 Pot O’ Gold machines
1666 Kalauokalni Way 46148 Kahuhipa St
19-194248 19-204097
06/05/2019 06/19/2019
11 Fish gaming machines 7 Fish gaming machines
5 Pot O’ Gold machines 5 Pot O’ Gold machine
1708 Auiki St 271 Kalihi St
19-211869 19-231349
(SA1338778 8/25/21) |