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Notice #: 0001332878-01
Public Notices

(Docket No. 21-CA-PA-08)

Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Chapter 342B-13, and Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 11-60.1, the Department of Health, State of Hawaii (DOH), is requesting public comments on the following DRAFT PERMITS presently under review for:

(1) Amendment of Covered Source Permit (CSP) No. 0863-01-C
Application for Significant Modification No. 0863-04
IES Downstream, LLC
IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal
Located At: 91-480 Malakole Street, Kapolei, Oahu

(2) Amendment of Covered Source Permit (CSP) No. 0863-02-C
Application for Significant Modification No. 0863-05
IES Downstream, LLC
IES Process Units
Located At: 91-480 Malakole Street, Kapolei, Oahu

The DRAFT PERMITS are described as follows:

The permit amendments incorporate GHG emission caps in accordance with HAR, Chapter 11-60.1, Subchapter 11, to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from affected facilities. Affected facilities are permitted covered sources with potential carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions (biogenic plus nonbiogenic) equal to or greater than 100,000 short tons per year.

Pursuant to HAR, Chapter 11-60.1, Subchapter 11, the amendments incorporate provisions for partnering between the IES Process Units and IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal to combine emissions for flexibility in achieving the GHG reductions. Individual and total combined GHG emission caps in each facility’s GHG emission reduction plan are specified in the permits. Each facility may exceed its individual cap as long as the total combined emissions are reduced sixteen percent (16%) or more from the total combined CO2e baseline emissions level. Calendar year 2009 emissions were used for the baseline to establish a GHG emissions cap for IES Process Units and IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal. Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions are excluded in determining compliance with the CO2e emissions caps.

(1) The significant modification of CSP No. 0863-02-C will grant conditional approval to incorporate an individual CO2e emissions cap of 212,621 short tons (192,886 metric tons) per calendar year that applies specifically to the IES Process Units and a total combined CO2e emissions cap of 212,662 short tons (192,924 metric tons) per calendar year in partnering with IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal. The amendment designates CSP No. 0863-02-C for the IES Process Units as the main permit to specify individual and total combined GHG emission caps. This will enable modification of a single permit if the GHG emission caps need to be revised and reduce the burden of modifying all partnering facility permits had the caps been incorporated into each facility’s permit separately.

(2) The significant modification of CSP No. 0863-01-C will grant conditional approval to incorporate an individual CO2e emissions cap of 42 short tons (38 metric tons) per calendar year that applies specifically to the IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal and a total combined CO2e emission cap in partnering with the IES Process Units of 212,662 short tons (192,924 metric tons) per calendar year. The IES Kapolei Bulk Storage Terminal permit will reference permit conditions in the IES Process Units permit for its individual and the total combined CO2e emission caps.

The ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS, consisting of the APPLICATIONS, GHG EMISSION REDUCTION PLANS and non-confidential supporting material from the applicant, the permit review summary, and the DRAFT PERMITS, are available for public inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., at the following location:

State of Hawaii
Clean Air Branch
2827 Waimano Home Road #130
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782

All comments on the draft permits and any request for a public hearing must be in writing, addressed to the Clean Air Branch at the above address on Oahu and must be postmarked or received by August 5, 2021.

Any person may request a public hearing by submitting a written request that explains the party’s interest and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. The DOH may hold a public hearing if a hearing would aid in DOH’s decision. If a public hearing is warranted, a public notice for the hearing will be published at least thirty (30) days in advance of the hearing.

Interested persons may obtain copies of the administrative record or parts thereof by paying five (5) cents per page copying costs. Please send written requests to the Oahu office of the Clean Air Branch listed above or call Mr. Kai Erickson at the Clean Air Branch office at (808) 586-4200. Electronic copies of the draft permits, permit reviews, and GHG emission reduction plans may be found online at

Comments on the draft permits should address, but need not be limited to, the permit conditions and the facility’s compliance with federal and state air pollution laws, including: (1) the National and State Ambient Air Quality Standards; and (2) HRS, Chapter 342B and HAR, Chapter 11-60.1.

DOH will make a final decision on the permits after considering all comments and will send notice of the final decision to each person who has submitted comments or requested such notice.

Elizabeth A. Char, M.D.
Director of Health
(SA1332878 7/7/21)