NOTICE OF DISPOSAL VEHICLE PLATE# VIN# R/0: 00 NISSAN FRONTIER PKUP KZU 658 1N6ED26TXYC375166 ORNELLAS, DWIGHT 05 GMC SIERRA PKUP KWJ 251 2GTEK13T851136058 OCTAVIO, COLBY 01 NISSAN FRONTIER PKUP KTP 475 1N6DD21S81C401651 RAPOZO, KEVIN 01 NISSAN FRONTIER PKUP KTN 514 1N6ED27TX1C394612 RAMOS, CLOVA 03 DODGE NEON 4DSD NFF 646 1B3ES26C63D249155 NAKAAHIKI, BRANDON 07 NISSAN ALTIMA 4DSD KDJ 132 1N4AL21E37N497369 SMITH, ANDREW C. The above vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle(s), including contents, will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 NOTICE OF DISPOSAL TYPE DESCRIPTION: VIN/SERIAL# PLATE# R/0: DIRTBIKE HONDA DIRTBIKE JH2HE03044K304420 NONE NONE DIRTBIKE UNK DIRTBIKE JT3VN39WXN0079575 NONE NONE MOTORCYCLE 05 KAWASAKI ELIMINATOR JKABNRA115DAR161 918 KMK FERNANDEZ, ROSCOE MOTORCYCLE KAWASAKI STREETBIKE JKBZXJB134A029075 487 HNM PALOMARES, NOELANI MOPED 20 JIANSU BAODIAO METRO L2BB9MCA9LMA15004 K00305 KEEFER,CHRISTOPHER The above propelled vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle(s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 (TGI1331631 6/24/21)