COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING COMMISSION – 4444 Rice Street, Suite A473, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, 96766, tel: (808) 241-4050, fax: (808) 241-6699, email: Pursuant to the provisions of State Land Use Commission Rules and Regulations, Special Management Area Use Rules, Kauai County Code, Chapter 8, as amended, Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 91, and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the County of Kauai Planning Commission, notice is hereby given that the County of Kauai Planning Commission (“Commission”) will hold an agency hearing with a public hearing and an opportunity for public testimony on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. by Microsoft Teams Audio: +1-469-848-0234, Conference ID: 889 153 263# to hear testimony and comments from all interested persons regarding the following: 1. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREA USE PERMIT (SMA(U)-2021-8) for the development of an affordable housing project involving the construction of seventeen (17) housing units containing 8 duplexes and a single-family residence, and associated site improvements involving 2 parcels in Waipouli, located along the makai side of Kuhio Highway in the vicinity of property identified as 4-870 Kuhio Highway, further known as Tax Map Keys: 4-3-009:051 & 071, and containing a total area of 36,861 square feet. All persons may present testimony for or against any application as public witnesses. Such testimony should be made in writing and presented to the Department prior to the hearing. Late written testimony may be submitted up to seven days after the close of the hearing in cases where the Commission does not take action on the same day as the hearing. Any party may be represented by counsel if he or she so desires. Also, individuals may appear on their own behalf, a member of a partnership may represent the partnership, and an officer or authorized employee of a corporation or trust or association may represent the corporation, trust or association. Petitions for intervenor status must be submitted to the Commission and the applicant at least seven days prior to the date of the hearing advertised herein and shall be in conformance with Chapter 4 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Planning Commission. A copy of the proposal will be emailed to any interested person who requests a copy. Please submit your request to the Planning Department. KAUAI PLANNING COMMISSION, Donna Apisa, Chairperson, By Kaaina S. Hull, Clerk of the Commission. NOTE: IF YOU NEED AN AUXILIARY AID/SERVICE, OTHER ACCOMMODATION DUE TO A DISABILITY, OR AN INTERPRETER FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AT (808) 241-4917 OR ASEGRETI@KAUAI.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REQUESTS MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WILL ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. UPON REQUEST, THIS NOTICE IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATE FORMATS SUCH AS LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR ELECTRONIC COPY. (HTH1328416 6/11/21)