NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Pursuant to Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation (DOT) Highways Division, will hold a public hearing relating to proposed Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 19-151, entitled “Photo Red Light Imaging Detector System.” The proposed rules are intended to provide guidance to ensure proper implementation of the new law. The proposed rules include: §19-151-1: States the purpose of this chapter. §19-151-2: Defines definitions used in the chapter. §19-151-3: Establishes authority for the program. §19-151-4: Manufacturer or vendor compensation. Compensation to a manufacturer or vendor shall not be based upon a portion of the fine or civil penalty. §19-151-5: Studies required to determine if a traffic-controlled intersection should be equipped with the system. §19-151-6: Informational and educational campaigns. The department, in conjunction with any county that implements a systems program shall conduct a comprehensive informational and educational campaign. §19-151-7: Retention and storage of motor vehicle and motor vehicle license plate images. A manufacturer or vendor shall obtain a clear and unobstructed photograph, digital or other visual image of the violation and make such visual image available for viewing by the registered owner of the motor vehicle of the alleged violation. §19-151-8: Reports required. Any county that implements a photo red light imaging detector system program, shall cooperate with the State by providing any and all information available necessary to complete and submit various reports in a timely manner. §19-151-9 to 19-151-99: Reserved. §19-151-100: Severability. If any section of this chapter is held invalid for any reason, the invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections or parts of this chapter. The public hearing will be held via the Internet using Microsoft Teams on Thursday, June 17, 2021 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. The call-in phone number is 1-808-829-4853, Phone Conference ID: 245 735 292#. The Microsoft Teams meeting link is available at web site: A copy of the proposed rules can be viewed or downloaded free at this site. A paper copy may be obtained by mailing a request and a money order for $4.75 to the DOT address shown below. Checks should be made out to Hawaii Department of Transportation. Interested persons are invited to present their views on the proposed rules at the public hearing or by mail, email or fax. Written comments will be accepted through Thursday, June 17, 2021 at the following address: Hawaii Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Safety Office 98-339 Ponohana Place Aiea, HI 96701 Testimony may be submitted by fax at 808-587-6303 or email at Persons with disabilities requiring special assistance should call 808-692-7650 at least two weeks before the hearing. Jade T. Butay Director of Transportation (WHT1326904 5/14/21)