NOTICE HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISCUSSION ON STATE HIGHWAY AND COUNTY ROAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS Notice is hereby given that the HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (HDOT) will be holding its first round of virtual public informational meetings to discuss and solicit comments on the DRAFT STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) for FEDERAL FISCAL YEARS 2022 2025 (+2). We encourage participation in these meetings, as comments received will help to guide the finalization of the STIP. The STIP is a four-year programming implementation document that identifies STATE and COUNTY transportation projects, statewide, to be funded, in part, with Federal Highway and Transit funds. HDOT will be holding two rounds of virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams. The first round of meetings will share the STIP development process, discuss the fiscally unconstrained FFY 2022-2025 (+2) STIP, and solicit input. Comments and questions regarding the content of the first round of meetings will be accepted until Monday, June 28, 2021. Once the STIP is prioritized and fiscally constrained, a second round of meetings will be held to share the proposed fiscally constrained FFY 2022-2025 (+2) STIP, that will be submitted to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval. The virtual public informational meeting for Kauai is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM. The link to attend the meeting and meeting materials will be posted on the STIP website ( prior to the meeting. Please visit the STIP website to view the Kauai FFY 2022-2025 (+2) STIP program, project location maps, and survey. An online version of the survey can also be accessed from the STIP website. Surveys can be completed online or submitted by using the contact information below by Monday, June 28, 2021. Contact Information: Highway Planning Branch 869 Punchbowl Street, Room 301 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 email: fax: (808) 587-1787 Comments and questions can also be submitted on SpeakUp (via the STIP website) Follow the STIP on Twitter and Facebook at: To request language interpretation an auxiliary aid or special services (e.g., sign language interpreter, materials in alternate format), please contact the HDOT Public Affairs Office (587-2160 or prior to the meeting date. Please submit requests in a timely manner to allow an adequate period to fulfill requests. (TGI1326214 5/10, 5/17, 5/24/21)