PUBLIC NOTICE 2021 ACTION PLAN FOR THE COUNTY OF HAWAI`I’S 2020 2024 CONSOLIDATED PLAN (CP) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM The Hawai`i County Council has approved its 2021 Annual Action Plan with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and has authorized the Mayor to execute and submit its 2021 Action Plan (AP) to HUD for its federal programs. The County of Hawai`i will utilize its 2021 CDBG allocation for the following projects: 2021 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM The County of Hawai’i estimates receiving $2,699,374.00 for its 2021 CDBG allocation. This amount is an approximation and the County will proportionally adjust its proposed project funding levels by increasing or decreasing the actual project amounts to the actual funds received. In addition, the County anticipates receiving $100,000.00 of additional program income from the Residential Repair Program (RRP) for a total $2,799,374.00. To meet the County’s five (5) year 2020-2024 CP, Priorities and Objectives, the following projects will be included in the 2021 AP. 2021 CDBG Projects Amount Ulu Wini Low Income Housing Wastewater Treatment Plant Repairs $ 1,420,889.00 Ulu Wini Low Income Housing Certified Kitchen Conversion $ 495,500.00 Hale Ohana Domestic Abuse Shelter Interior and Exterior Renovations $ 225,760.00 West Hawaii Domestic Abuse Shelter Interior and Exterior Renovations $ 157,225.00 Administration, Planning & Fair Housing ___________________ $ 500,000.00 Total $ 2,799,374.00 The CDBG project amount for all projects may change to accommodate the actual amount of grant funds or program income received or if there are any cancelled project(s) or reprogramming of CDBG funds. In its efforts to expedite and timely implement its projects, the Public is advised that the County of Hawai`i may utilize County funds to incur pre-award cost for the above mentioned projects under the CDBG program that will not exceed 25% of current CDBG allocation. This is in accordance with the CDBG regulations 24 CFR 570.200(h)(1), Reimbursement for pre-award costs. HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAM The State of Hawai’i is required to submit its 2020-2024 CP and AP to HUD for the 2021 HOME program. The County of Hawai`i anticipates it will receive approximately $2,850,000.00 for the 2021 HOME Program. In addition, the County anticipates receiving $75,000.00 of program income for a total of $2,925,000.00. To prepare for the 2021 HOME program, the County requested project proposals and will submit the following projects to the State of Hawai’i HHFDC for approval. 2021 HOME Projects Amount County of Hawaii Home Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA) $ 2,035,200.00 Habitat for Humanity Affordable Homes fo $ 450,000.00 Puna Families University Heights Home Reconstruction $ 289,800.00 OHCD Administration__________________________________$ 150,000.00 Total $ 2,925,000.00 The amount for the all HOME projects may change to accommodate the actual allocation of HOME Project funds, program income received or if there are any cancelled or reprogramming of HOME funds. The Administration amount will change to the actual allocation of Administration funds received from the State. In its efforts to expedite and timely implement its projects, the Public is advised that the County of Hawaii may utilize County funds to incur pre-award costs under the HOME Program that will not exceed 25% of the current HOME allocation amount. This is in accordance with the HOME regulations 24 CFR 92.212(c), Pre-award Costs, Project Costs. HOUSING TRUST FUNDS (HTF) PROGRAM The State of Hawai’i is required to submit its 2020-2024 CP and AP to HUD for the 2021 HTF program. The County of Hawai’i anticipates it will receive approximately $3,306,921.00 for the 2021 HTF Program. To prepare for the 2021 HTF program, the County requested project proposals and will submit the following projects to the State of Hawai’i HHFDC for approval. 2021 HTF Projects Amount West Kawili Street Senior/Veteran Housing $ 3,132,873.00 OHCD Administration__________________________________$ 174,048.00 Total $ 3,306,921.00 The amount for the HTF project may change to accommodate the actual allocation of HTF Project funds, program income received or if there are any cancelled or reprogramming of HTF funds. The Administration amount will change to the actual allocation of Administration funds received from the State. As required by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, the County’s Final 2021 AP will be available on for public review from May 7, 2021 to May 13, 2021, and at the following locations Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on holidays: Office of Housing and Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) Community Development 1990 Kino`ole Street, Suite 102 West Hawai`i Civic Center Hilo, Hawai`i 96720 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy. Phone: (808)961-8379 Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i 96740 Phone: (808)323-4305 As required by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, a Plan to Minimize Displacement and the County’s Final Annual Community Assessment Report for its program year 2019 with HUD will also be available for public review at the OHCD in Hilo and Kailua-Kona. Office of Housing & Community Development County of Hawai`i By: Susan K. Kunz Housing Administrator Mitchell D. Roth Mayor, County of Hawai`i (WHT1325495 5/6/21)