Ordinances 21-23, 21-24, 21-25, and 21-26 I hereby certify that the following bills passed second and final reading at the meeting of the Hawai’i County Council on March 3, 2021, by vote as listed below: Ordinance 21-23 (Bill 219, Draft 2): An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 20-45, as amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai’i for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. AYES: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Ordinance 21-24 (Bill 5): An Ordinance amending Chapter 25, Article 2, Division 6 of the Hawai’i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as amended), relating to the use permits. AYES: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, and Chair David 8. NOES: Council Member Villegas 1. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Ordinance 21-25 (Bill 10): An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 09-131 which reclassified lands from Project District (PD) to Industrial-Commercial Mixed 20,000 square feet (MCX-20) at Ka’u, North Kona, Hawai’i, covered by Tax Map Key: 7-2-005:001. AYES: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Ordinance 21-26 (Bill 12): An Ordinance amending Chapter 25, Article 1, Article 2, Article 4, Article 5 and Article 7 of the Hawai’i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as amended), relating to definitions, use permit requirements, parking requirements, and zoning district regulations for medical clinics and massage, acupuncture, chiropractic and other similar health service facilities. AYES: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David 9. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. Jon Henricks COUNTY CLERK Hawai’i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (WHT1320008 4/2/21)