NOTICE OF DISPOSAL TYPE DESCRIPTION: VIN/SERIAL# PLATE# R/0: MOPED 07 YAMAHA BEAMER III RK15BB0C77A008862 NONE ARAKAKI,BRYSON MOPED SMC REXY MOPED RFRSPA155BM203454 K11938 NONE MOPED ROUGH HOUSE 50 RFVPMP206F1008699 K21908 LANGHORST, ANDREW QUAD UNKNOWN MAKE/MODEL NONE NONE NONE MOTORCYCLE 06 HONDA SHADOW JH2RC44476M00205 NONE NONE The above propelled vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle(s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 (TGI1309428 12/31/20)