REAL PROPERTY TAX FILING DEADLINES The deadline for filing an application for the following programs is December 31, 2020. Your application must be filed with our office on, or before this deadline. Your application may also be mailed with a postmark on or before December 31, 2020. Homeowner’s Exemption If you own or lease a home or condominium in this County and use it as your principal residence, you may qualify for a homeowner’s exemption which may reduce your property tax bill. Totally Disabled Veterans If you are a totally disabled veteran due to injuries sustained while on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces and your principal residence is in this County, you may qualify for an exemption from property taxes, except for fifty percent of the minimum tax, on your principal residence. Persons Affected by Hansen’s Disease If you have been declared by an authority of law to be a person affected with Hansen’s Disease, you may qualify for an exemption which may reduce your property tax bill, except for the minimum tax, on all real property owned. The total exemption amount must not exceed a total taxable value of $50,000. Persons who are Blind, Deaf, or Totally Disabled If you are blind, deaf, or totally disabled, and qualify for a homeowner’s exemption, you may be eligible for a $50,000 exemption on your principal residence which may reduce your property tax bill, except for the minimum tax. Affordable Rental Housing Program If you own rental property that qualifies as an affordable rental based on the rates set annually, your property may qualify for a special classification which may reduce your property tax bill, except for the minimum tax. Because the rates change, you must submit a new application annually. Contact the Real Property Tax office for other requirements and rates. Non-Dedicated Agricultural Use Program If your parcel is in commercial agricultural use and you are not currently receiving a benefit for that use, you may qualify for a reduced assessment which may lower your property tax bill, except for the minimum tax. Contact the Real Property Tax office for requirements. Miscellaneous and Charitable Exemptions If your parcel is owned or leased by a non-profit and is actively used for the purpose of the non-profit, you may qualify for an exemption which may reduce your property tax bill, except for the minimum tax. General Instructions Owners or lessees who apply for any of the exemptions or programs above must have their ownership or interest in the property properly recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances on, or before, the filing deadline. All applications must be filed by the deadline and include all required attachments. The forms and filing instructions are available online at or at our offices at 101 Pauahi Street, Suite 4, Hilo, HI 96720, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy. Bldg D, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. For more information you can call either office at (808) 961-8201 (Hilo), or (808) 323-4880 (Kona). All applications must be filed on, or before, 12/31/20. (WHT1305546 12/6, 12/16, 12/22/20)