PUBLIC NOTICE TO SUCCESSORS DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS HOMESTEAD SERVICES DIVISION DISTRICT OPERATIONS BRANCH NOTICE TO POSSIBLE SUCCESSORS OF THE FOLLOWING DECEASED LEASEHOLDERS, WHO DIED AND FAILED TO DESIGNATE A SUCCESSOR(S) TO THEIR HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS LEASE UNDER THE HAWAIIAN HOMES COMMISSION ACT, 1920, AS AMENDED. LEASE DECEASED LESSEE TYPE NO. LOT NO. AREA/ISLAND AKI, Daniel K. RES 2421 114 Kewalo, Oahu BURNS, Genevieve K.N. RES 366 59 Nanakuli, Oahu CHOY FOO, Henrietta W. RES 8358 67 PKE, Oahu GARMON, Pearl U. RES 4899 25-A-1 Kuhio Village, Hawaii HARDIN, Kanoe S. RES 11472 55 Leialii, Maui HOOKAHI, Shelby E.E.O. RES 7248 49 Kawaihae, Hawaii KAEO, George E. RES 5191 54 Nanakuli, Oahu KEALAKAI, Mahinalani J.A.D. PAS 9139 38 Kahikinui, Maui MAIO, JoAnn I. RES 12822 111 Kawaihae, Hawaii PAAKAULA, Solomon K., Sr. RES 11976 17089 Kaupea, Oahu SWANN, Robert L.K. RES 561 11 Nanakuli, Oahu WELBORN, Alma K. RES 10934 7 Piihonua, Hawaii All possible successors of the above-named decedents are hereby notified to present their claims to succeed to the homestead lease together with proof of their qualifications to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands at its Oahu District Office at 91-5420 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707, or at any of the neighbor island district offices, within four (4) months from the first day of publication of this notice, ending on April 2, 2021, or be forever barred from succeeding to the lease. Individuals presenting claims on behalf of minors must also provide proof of conservatorship. Dated: 11/25/2020 William J. Aila Jr., Chairman Hawaiian Homes Commission (WHT1305835 12/02, 12/09, 12/16, 12/23/20)