STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BENEFIT, EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a public hearing to consider the repeal of Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 17-798.2, Child Care Services, and the adoption of proposed new rule chapters for the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division for the purpose of conforming to federal and state statutes. A brief description of the proposed changes is listed below: REPEAL OF CHAPTER 17-798.2, CHILD CARE SERVICES Chapter 17-798.2, Hawaii Administrative Rules, entitled “Child Care Services” is proposed to be repealed. CHAPTER 17-798.3, CHILD CARE PAYMENTS The proposed chapter 17-798.3, Child Care Payments, establishes the rules governing the administration and implementation of the Child Care and Development Block Grant as authorized under 42 U.S.C. §9858 and 42 U.S.C. §618. The proposed chapter 17-798.3 describes the application process, target population, eligibility criteria and determination, payment rates and method of calculation, program participation requirements, health and safety requirements for exempt child care providers to be authorized to care for children whose families receive child care payments, required notifications by the Department, and applicants/participants rights to appeal. CHAPTER 17-800, REQUIREMENTS FOR LISTING OF EXEMPT CENTER-BASED PROVIDERS The proposed chapter 17-800, requirements For Listing Of Exempt Center-Based Providers, establishes the rules governing the administration and implementation of the Child Care and Development Block Grant as authorized under 42 U.S.C. §9858 and 42 U.S.C. §618. The proposed 17-800 describes the application, inspection, and authorization for listing process, general requirements and health and safety requirements for exempt center-based providers, required notifications by the Department, and exempt center-based providers right to appeal. CHAPTER 17-801, BACKGROUND CHECKS The proposed chapter 17-801, Background Checks, establishes the rules governing the administration and implementation of the Child Care and Development Block Grant as authorized under 42 U.S.C. §9858 and 42 U.S.C. §618. This section includes the requirements to conduct background checks to determine a person’s ability or suitability to operate, be employed, work in, or live in a child care facility or exempt child care facility and lists disqualifying offenses. The proposed chapter 17-801 also includes the notification process when an individual is determined not suitable and the individual’s rights to appeal the Department’s determination. A public hearing will be held at the following date, time and place: Friday, November 6, 2020, 9:00 a.m. This will be a virtual event using Skype. Please go to Skype Meeting Toll Number: 1-808-829-4853 Conference ID: 156730537 All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing to state their views relative to the proposed rules either orally or in writing. Should written testimony be presented, one (1) copy shall be made available to the presiding officer within seven (7) days before the hearing to: Department of Human Services Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division 1010 Richards Street, Suite 512 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 If oral testimony will be provided during the online meeting via phone or Skype, you must register in advance by 4:30 pm Thursday, November 5, 2020, by emailing your name, phone number, and subject matter to If written testimony would be provided without attending the public hearing, written testimony must be received by 4:30 pm on November 6, 2020. A copy of the proposed rules will be mailed at NO COST to any interested person requesting a copy by writing to: Department of Human Services Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division 1010 Richards Street, Suite 512 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or by calling (808) 586-7188 during regular business days and hours. Proposed rules are available on the internet at Special accommodations (i.e., Sign Language, large print, and taped materials) can be made, if requested at least five (5) business days before the scheduled public hearing. For residents on Oahu call 586-5735 to make the request. Neighbor island residents needing special accommodations should contact the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Section Administration office on the respective islands with their requests: East Hawaii Section Administrator 1990 Kinoole Street, Suite 111 Hilo, HI phone: 981-7288; West Hawaii Section Administrator 75-5722 Hanama Place Rm 1105 Kailua-Kona, HI phone: 327-4765; Kauai Section Administrator Former Lihue Courthouse Building 3059 Umi Street, Room BSMT 20 Lihue, HI phone: 241-3663; Maui Section Administrator 1955 Main Street, Suite 325 Wailuku, HI phone: 243-5875; DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES CATHY BETTS, DIRECTOR (HTH1297902 10/5/20)