NOTICE OF DISPOSAL VEHICLE PLATE # VIN # R/O: 96 TOYOTA PKUP KCF 251 4TAWN72N3TZ173245 KAHALE, JAMES K. 13 NISSAN TITAN PKUP KAZ 654 1N6AA0EJ9DN302542 KAAUMOANA, IDA & GORDON 04 NISSAN XTERRA MPVH KCT 792 5N1ED28T74C671671 CADAY, VIRGIL M. The above vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle(s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 TYPE DESCRIPTION: VIN/SERIAL# PLATE# R/0: MOTORCYCLE 93 YAMAHA JYA4DUE06PA017424 640 XDN GUDOY, RONNIE MOPED VIP NONE NONE NONE DIRTBIKE YAMAHA 250 UNKNOWN NONE NONE The above propelled vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle( s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 (TGI1293380 8/28/20)