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Notice #: 0001291836-01
Public Hearings


Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §§ 440G-10.1 and 440G-7 and Chapter 91, and Hawaii Administrative Rules § 16-133-14, the Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (“DCCA“) will hold a public hearing in Hawaiian Telcom Services Company, Inc.’s (“HTSC“) Hawaii franchise area on the State of Hawaii Application for Transfer of Cable Television Franchise and the Federal Communications Commission Form 394 both filed on July 17, 2020, as amended, (collectively, the “Transfer Application“) by Red Fiber Parent LLC (“RFP“) for the indirect transfer of control of HTSC’s Hawaii cable franchise on Oahu, at the parent level, from Cincinnati Bell Inc. to RFP and other related matters. RFP is indirectly majority owned by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets, whose ultimate parent company is Macquarie Group Limited.

The public hearing will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Video Public Hearing – Zoom Webinar*
*In case of technical difficulties with this Zoom link, please check the Cable
Television Division’s website
( for any updates.

Telephone Access to Zoom Webinar:
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or
+1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 956 1091 7239

Also available for live viewing on Olelo Community Media, Ch. 49; and livestreamed on

The purpose of the public hearing is to afford those residing in HTSC’s cable franchise area the opportunity to submit written or oral data, views, and/or arguments on the Transfer Application. All interested persons are encouraged to review the Transfer Application and supplemental documents prior to the public hearing and to participate in the public hearing, in the manners noted above. The Transfer Application and supplemental documents are available on DCCA, Cable Television Division’s (“CATV“) website at:

In addition, the Transfer Application can be viewed at HTSC’s downtown TV Depot located at 1177 Bishop Street, Honolulu HI 96813, during its normal business hours. Those wishing to view the documents at the CATV office (located at 335 Merchant Street Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96813) can do so with a confirmed appointment by telephone ((808) 586-2620) or email (

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting the health and safety of the community is of utmost concern. All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to provide comments at the time of the virtual public hearing. Whether testimony is presented orally or not, interested persons are encouraged to put their comments in writing and submit them to DCCA-CATV via the following:

Email to:;
Fax: (808) 586-2625; or
U.S. Mail to: Cable Television Division
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
P.O. Box 541
Honolulu, HI 96809

In order to satisfy mandated procedural deadlines, all written comments must be filed with DCCA-CATV by Monday, October 12, 2020, 4:30 p.m. This comment period has been extended to one month after the public hearing to provide ample time for public comments to be received due to COVID-19 and its impacts.

To provide live oral comments during the virtual public hearing in Zoom, you will need to download the Zoom program/application or view it through your web browser. Access to the public hearing at its scheduled time can be achieved by clicking on the link posted on the CATV website:, or through the Zoom link or telephone numbers noted above. Additional information to help interested persons participate in the virtual public hearing as an attendee will be provided on the CATV website. You will be asked to enter your name in order to access the virtual hearing as an attendee. DCCA-CATV requests and encourages that you enter your full name, but you may use a pseudonym or other identifier if you wish to remain anonymous. You will also be asked for an email address. You may fill in this field with any entry in an email format, e.g., *****@***

As an attendee, your microphone will be automatically muted by CATV staff during the hearing unless you are providing comments. If you wish to provide oral comments, when prompted for comments, please click the “Raise Hand” button found on the lower portion of your Zoom screen (press *9 for phone attendees). Your name will be called in the order received, and you will be allowed to unmute (*6 for phone attendees) to provide comments. When providing comments, please begin by clearly stating your full name and any organization you represent. Upon completing your comments your microphone will be muted/disabled.

Individuals who require special needs accommodations for the virtual public hearing may request assistance by writing or contacting DCCA-CATV at the email address above or by calling (808) 586-2620, at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled virtual public hearing. For more information, contact DCCA-CATV at the addresses or phone number listed above.

Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
State of Hawaii
(SA1291836 8/18, 8/25/20)