NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the County of Kaua’i will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1:30 p.m., or soon thereafter, at the Council Chambers, 4396 Rice Street, Room 201, Historic County Building, Lihu’e, on the following: Resolution No. 2020-28 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF AN EASEMENT INTEREST IN LAND REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE, TO WIT: THE PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE PATH THAT CONSTITUTES PART OF THE COUNTY’S PUBLIC PARK SYSTEM, SITUATED AT WAIPOULI, DISTRICT OF KAWAIHAU, COUNTY OF KAUA’I, HAWAI’I, AND DETERMINING AND DECLARING THE NECESSITY OF THE ACQUISITION THEREOF BY EMINENT DOMAIN This Resolution proposes to authorize the County Attorney to institute eminent domain proceedings to condemn an easement for public use in the public interest at Tax Map Key (TMK) (4) 4-3-007:009 (also referred to as “Easement B-8 in Parcel 9 of TMK (4) 4-3-07”), Waipouli, District of Kawaihau, County of Kaua’i, Hawai’i, as described in Resolution No. 2020-28. The purpose of this easement is to provide a perpetual non-exclusive easement to build, construct, rebuild, repair, maintain, and operate a bicycle and pedestrian shared-use path for public access purposes. The easement is necessary to establish a portion of Ke Ala Hele Makalae, which is part of the County’s public park system, and allow an access path to the beach. All interested persons who wish to present their comments may do so at the public hearing. Written testimony prior to the hearing would be appreciated. Written testimony can be submitted to the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division by mail, facsimile, or via E-mail to Copies of the Resolution are available at the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division. (The Council Committee or Council may amend this Resolution at their subsequent meetings. Meeting notices are posted at least six (6) days in advance at the County Clerk’s Office and the public may also testify at any of these meetings.) CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2020-28 was ordered to print by the Council of the County of Kaua’i at its meeting held on June 17, 2020, by the following vote: AYES: Chock, Cowden, Evslin, Kagawa, Kuali’i, Kaneshiro TOTAL-6, NOES: None TOTAL-0, EXCUSED & NOT VOTING: Brun TOTAL-1*, RECUSED & NOT VOTING: None TOTAL-0. Lihu’e, Hawai’i /s/ Jade K. Fountain-Tanigawa June 17, 2020 County Clerk, County of Kaua’i *Beginning with the March 11, 2020 Council Meeting and until further notice, Councilmember Arthur Brun will not be present due to U.S. v. Arthur Brun et al., Cr. No. 20-00024-DKW (United States District Court), and therefore will be noted as excused (i.e., not present). NOTE: IF YOU NEED AN AUXILIARY AID/SERVICE, OTHER ACCOMMODATION DUE TO A DISABILITY, OR AN INTERPRETER FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, COUNCIL SERVICES DIVISION AT (808) 241-4188 OR COKCOUNCIL@KAUAI.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REQUESTS MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WILL ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. UPON REQUEST, THIS NOTICE IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATE FORMATS SUCH AS LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR ELECTRONIC COPY. (TGI1284255 6/23/20)